Source code for awpy.visualization.plot

"""Functions for plotting player positions and nades.

    Typical usage example:

    from awpy.visualization.plot import plot_round
    plot_round("best_round_ever.gif", d["gameRounds"][7]["frames"], map_name=d["mapName"], map_type="simpleradar", dark=False)
import os
import shutil
from typing import Optional, Literal, cast
import numpy as np
import imageio
from tqdm import tqdm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
from import MAP_DATA
from awpy.types import GameFrame, GameRound

[docs]def plot_map( map_name: str = "de_dust2", map_type: str = "original", dark: bool = False ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """Plots a blank map. Args: map_name (string, optional): Map to search. Defaults to "de_dust2" map_type (string, optional): "original" or "simpleradar". Defaults to "original" dark (bool, optional): Only for use with map_type="simpleradar". Indicates if you want to use the SimpleRadar dark map type Defaults to False Returns: matplotlib fig and ax """ base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"""../data/map/{map_name}""") if map_type == "original": map_bg = imageio.imread(base_path + ".png") if map_name in MAP_DATA and "z_cutoff" in MAP_DATA[map_name]: map_bg_lower = imageio.imread(base_path + "_lower.png") map_bg = np.concatenate([map_bg, map_bg_lower]) else: try: col = "light" if dark: col = "dark" map_bg = imageio.imread(base_path + f"_{col}.png") if map_name in MAP_DATA and "z_cutoff" in MAP_DATA[map_name]: map_bg_lower = imageio.imread(base_path + f"_lower_{col}.png") map_bg = np.concatenate([map_bg, map_bg_lower]) except FileNotFoundError: map_bg = imageio.imread(base_path + ".png") if map_name in MAP_DATA and "z_cutoff" in MAP_DATA[map_name]: map_bg_lower = imageio.imread(base_path + "_lower.png") map_bg = np.concatenate([map_bg, map_bg_lower]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(map_bg, zorder=0) return fig, ax
# Position function courtesy of
[docs]def position_transform( map_name: str, position: float, axis: Literal["x", "y"] ) -> float: """Transforms an X or Y coordinate. Args: map_name (string): Map to search position (float): X or Y coordinate axis (string): Either "x" or "y" (lowercase) Returns: float Raises: ValueError: Raises a ValueError if axis not 'x' or 'y' """ if axis not in ["x", "y"]: raise ValueError(f"'axis' has to be 'x' or 'y' not {axis}") start = MAP_DATA[map_name]["pos_" + axis] scale = MAP_DATA[map_name]["scale"] if axis == "x": pos = position - start pos /= scale return pos elif axis == "y": pos = start - position pos /= scale return pos raise ValueError(f"'axis' has to be 'x' or 'y' not {axis}")
[docs]def position_transform_all( map_name: str, position: tuple[float, float, float] ) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Transforms an X or Y coordinate. Args: map_name (string): Map to search position (tuple): (X,Y,Z) coordinates Returns: tuple """ start_x = MAP_DATA[map_name]["pos_x"] start_y = MAP_DATA[map_name]["pos_y"] scale = MAP_DATA[map_name]["scale"] x = position[0] - start_x x /= scale y = start_y - position[1] y /= scale z = position[2] if "z_cutoff" in MAP_DATA[map_name] and z < MAP_DATA[map_name]["z_cutoff"]: y += 1024 return (x, y, z)
[docs]def plot_positions( positions: Optional[list[tuple[float, float]]] = None, colors: Optional[list[str]] = None, markers: Optional[list[str]] = None, alphas: Optional[list[float]] = None, sizes: Optional[list[float]] = None, map_name: str = "de_ancient", map_type: str = "original", dark: bool = False, apply_transformation: bool = False, ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """Plots player positions Args: positions (list, optional): List of lists of length 2 ([[x,y], ...]) Defaults to [] colors (list, optional): List of colors for each player Defaults to [] markers (list, optional): List of marker types for each player Defaults to [] alphas (list, optional): List of alpha values for each player Defaults to [1.0] * len(positions) sizes (list, optional): List of marker sizes for each player Defaults to [mpl.rcParams["lines.markersize"] ** 2] * len(positions) map_name (string, optional): Map to search. Defaults to "de_ancient" map_type (string, optional): "original" or "simpleradar". Defaults to "original" dark (bool, optional): Only for use with map_type="simpleradar". Indicates if you want to use the SimpleRadar dark map type Defaults to False apply_transformation (bool, optional): Indicates if you need to also use position_transform() for the X/Y coordinates Defaults to False Returns: matplotlib fig and ax """ if positions is None: positions = [] if colors is None: colors = [] if markers is None: markers = [] if alphas is None: alphas = [1.0] * len(positions) if sizes is None: sizes = [mpl.rcParams["lines.markersize"] ** 2] * len(positions) f, a = plot_map(map_name=map_name, map_type=map_type, dark=dark) for p, c, m, alpha, s in zip(positions, colors, markers, alphas, sizes): if apply_transformation: a.scatter( x=position_transform(map_name, p[0], "x"), y=position_transform(map_name, p[1], "y"), c=c, marker=m, alpha=alpha, s=s, ) else: a.scatter(x=p[0], y=p[1], c=c, marker=m, alpha=alpha, s=s) a.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) a.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) return f, a
[docs]def plot_round( filename: str, frames: list[GameFrame], map_name: str = "de_ancient", map_type: str = "original", dark: bool = False, fps: int = 10, ) -> Literal[True]: """Plots a round and saves as a .gif. CTs are blue, Ts are orange, and the bomb is an octagon. Only use untransformed coordinates. Args: filename (string): Filename to save the gif frames (list): List of frames from a parsed demo map_name (string, optional): Map to search. Defaults to "de_ancient" map_type (string, optional): "original" or "simpleradar". Defaults to "original dark (bool, optional): Only for use with map_type="simpleradar". Indicates if you want to use the SimpleRadar dark map type Defaults to False fps (int, optional): Number of frames per second in the gif Defaults to 10 Returns: True, saves .gif """ if os.path.isdir("csgo_tmp"): shutil.rmtree("csgo_tmp/") os.mkdir("csgo_tmp") image_files = [] for i, f in tqdm(enumerate(frames)): positions = [] colors = [] markers = [] # Plot bomb # Thanks to for adding this code! if f["bomb"]: colors.append("orange") markers.append("8") pos = ( position_transform(map_name, f["bomb"]["x"], "x"), position_transform(map_name, f["bomb"]["y"], "y"), ) positions.append(pos) else: pass # Plot players for side in ["ct", "t"]: side = cast(Literal["ct", "t"], side) for p in f[side]["players"] or []: if side == "ct": colors.append("cyan") else: colors.append("red") if p["hp"] == 0: markers.append("x") else: markers.append(".") pos = ( position_transform(map_name, p["x"], "x"), position_transform(map_name, p["y"], "y"), ) positions.append(pos) fig, _ = plot_positions( positions=positions, colors=colors, markers=markers, map_name=map_name, map_type=map_type, dark=dark, ) image_files.append(f"csgo_tmp/{i}.png") fig.savefig(image_files[-1], dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() images = [] for file in image_files: images.append(imageio.imread(file)) imageio.mimsave(filename, images, fps=fps) shutil.rmtree("csgo_tmp/") return True
[docs]def plot_nades( rounds: list[GameRound], nades: Optional[list[str]] = None, side: str = "CT", map_name: str = "de_ancient", map_type: str = "original", dark: bool = False, ) -> tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """Plots grenade trajectories. Args: rounds (list): List of round objects from a parsed demo nades (list, optional): List of grenade types to plot Defaults to [] side (string, optional): Specify side to plot grenades. Either "CT" or "T". Defaults to "CT" map_name (string, optional): Map to search. Defaults to "de_ancient" map_type (string, optional): "original" or "simpleradar". Defaults to "original" dark (bool, optional): Only for use with map_type="simpleradar". Indicates if you want to use the SimpleRadar dark map type. Defaults to False Returns: matplotlib fig and ax """ if nades is None: nades = [] f, a = plot_map(map_name=map_name, map_type=map_type, dark=dark) for r in rounds: if r["grenades"]: for g in r["grenades"]: if g["throwerSide"] == side: start_x = position_transform(map_name, g["throwerX"], "x") start_y = position_transform(map_name, g["throwerY"], "y") end_x = position_transform(map_name, g["grenadeX"], "x") end_y = position_transform(map_name, g["grenadeY"], "y") if g["grenadeType"] in nades: if ( g["grenadeType"] == "Incendiary Grenade" or g["grenadeType"] == "Molotov" ): a.plot([start_x, end_x], [start_y, end_y], color="red") a.scatter(end_x, end_y, color="red") if g["grenadeType"] == "Smoke Grenade": a.plot([start_x, end_x], [start_y, end_y], color="gray") a.scatter(end_x, end_y, color="gray") if g["grenadeType"] == "HE Grenade": a.plot([start_x, end_x], [start_y, end_y], color="green") a.scatter(end_x, end_y, color="green") if g["grenadeType"] == "Flashbang": a.plot([start_x, end_x], [start_y, end_y], color="gold") a.scatter(end_x, end_y, color="gold") a.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) a.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) return f, a