Example Parser JSON

When using awpy.DemoParser, you create a JSON output file. This is generally a large file, and is described by the JSON structure contained in this documentation.


Top level keys

    "matchID": "003486831536689381471_0732641554",  # Set to be the name of the demo file
    "clientName": "GOTV Demo",                      # Client which recorded the demo
    "mapName": "de_inferno",
    "tickRate": 64,                                 # Server tick rate
    "playbackTicks": 161695,                        # Total ticks in the demo
    "playbackFramesCount": 80775,                   # Total number of frames
    "parsedToFrameIdx": 80790,                      # Parsed until X frame
    "parserParameters": {                           # All the below parameters are set in DemoParser
        "parseRate": 256,                           # Parse rate set in DemoParser. Represents spacing between recorded frames.
        "parseFrames": false,
        "parseKillFrames": true,                    # If set to true, a frame is recorded every kill. Doesn"t require parseFrames == true
        "tradeTime": 5,
        "roundBuyStyle": "hltv",                    # HLTV represents round buys (e.g., full eco, full buy, etc.) as they do in HLTV.
        "damagesRolledUp": false                    # Sometimes damages can happen in the same tick. This option means they are combined.
    "serverVars": {                                 # Server cvars
        "cashBombDefused": 0,
        "cashBombPlanted": 0,
        "cashTeamTWinBomb": 0,
        "cashWinDefuse": 3500,
        "cashWinTimeRunOut": 0,
        "cashWinElimination": 0,
        "cashPlayerKilledDefault": 0,
        "cashTeamLoserBonus": 0,
        "cashTeamLoserBonusConsecutive": 0,
        "roundTime": 0,
        "roundTimeDefuse": 0,
        "roundRestartDelay": 0,
        "freezeTime": 15,
        "buyTime": 20,
        "bombTimer": 0,
        "maxRounds": 30,
        "timeoutsAllowed": 0,
        "coachingAllowed": 0
    "matchPhases": {                                # Contains lists with the ticks on which certain round/phase events happened
        "announcementLastRoundHalf": [...],
        "announcementFinalRound": [...],
        "announcementMatchStarted": [...],
        "roundStarted": [...],
        "roundEnded": [...],
        "roundFreezetimeEnded": [...],
        "roundEndedOfficial": [...],
        "gameHalfEnded": [...],
        "matchStart": [...],
        "matchStartedChanged": [...],
        "warmupChanged": [...],
        "teamSwitch": [...]
    "matchmakingRanks": [                           # Contains a list of players and their win counts and rank info. Only for MM demos.
            "steamID": 76561198060045535,
            "rankChange": 0,
            "rankOld": "The Global Elite",
            "rankNew": "The Global Elite",
            "winCount": 629
    "playerConnections": [                          # List of player connect/disconnect events
            "tick": 0,
            "action": "connect",
            "steamID": 76561198000441323
            "tick": 161259,
            "action": "disconnect",
            "steamID": 76561198043315625
    "gameRounds": [{...}]                           # Game rounds


This object contains round information and events. The possible round end reasons are TargetBombed, VIPEscaped, VIPKilled, TerroristsEscaped, CTStoppedEscape, TerroristsStopped, BombDefused, CTWin, TerroristsWin, Draw, HostagesRescued, TargetSaved, HostagesNotRescued, TerroristsNotEscaped, VIPNotEscaped, GameStart, TerroristsSurrender, CTSurrender.

Keep in mind that due to dropped guns which aren’t equipped at FreezeTimeEnd, the FreezeTimeEndEqVal may not equal StartEqVal + Spend.

    "roundNum": 1,
    "isWarmup": false,                  # true if the round is a warmup round
    "startTick": 6980,
    "freezeTimeEndTick": 7936,
    "endTick": 14512,                   # Tick when end condition is reached, but round is not officialy over
    "endOfficialTick": 14832,
    "bombPlantTick": 12450,
    "tScore": 0,
    "ctScore": 0,
    "endTScore": 1,
    "endCTScore": 0,
    "ctTeam": "",
    "tTeam": "",
    "winningSide": "T",
    "winningTeam": "",
    "losingTeam": "",
    "roundEndReason": "TerroristsWin",
    "ctFreezeTimeEndEqVal": 3650,        # Eq value at the end of freezetime
    "ctRoundStartEqVal": 1000,           # Eq value at the beginning of the round
    "ctRoundSpendMoney": 2650,           # Money spent in the round
    "ctBuyType": "Full Eco",             # Determined by the FreezeTimeEnd eq value
    "tFreezeTimeEndEqVal": 4400,
    "tRoundStartEqVal": 1000,
    "tRoundSpendMoney": 3400,
    "tBuyType": "Full Eco",
    "ctSide": {                          # Players who were on the CT side at FreezeTimeEnd
        "teamName": "...",
        "players": [{
            "playerName": "...",
            "steamID": 12345
        }, ...]
    "tSide": {...},                      # Players who were on the T side at FreezeTimeEnd
    "kills": [...],                      # Kills
    "damages": [...],                    # Damages
    "grenades": [...],                   # Grenade throws
    "bombEvents": [...],                 # Bomb events (plants, defuses, etc.)
    "weaponFires": [...],                # Shots
    "flashes": [...],                    # Flashes
    "frames": [...]                      # Frames (game snapshots)


    "tick": 9582,
    "seconds": 25.71875,
    "clockTime": "01:30",
    "attackerSteamID": 76561198088580941,
    "attackerName": "febix",
    "attackerTeam": "",
    "attackerSide": "T",
    "attackerX": 509.1275939941406,
    "attackerY": 630.7955322265625,
    "attackerZ": 86.98412322998047,
    "attackerViewX": 327.601318359375,
    "attackerViewY": 1.9775390625,
    "victimSteamID": 76561198084596669,
    "victimName": "Rullaan Spotil KANDALFWOZ ;)",
    "victimTeam": "",
    "victimSide": "CT",
    "victimX": 781.4129638671875,
    "victimY": 491.81201171875,
    "victimZ": 87.30707550048828,
    "victimViewX": 153.6328125,
    "victimViewY": 1.0711669921875,
    "assisterSteamID": None,                       # If there is an assister, this data will not be None
    "assisterName": None,
    "assisterTeam": None,
    "assisterSide": None,
    "isSuicide": false,
    "isTeamkill": false,
    "isWallbang": false,
    "penetratedObjects": 0,
    "isFirstKill": true,
    "isHeadshot": true,
    "victimBlinded": false,
    "attackerBlinded": false,
    "flashThrowerSteamID": None,
    "flashThrowerName": None,
    "flashThrowerTeam": None,
    "flashThrowerSide": None,
    "noScope": false,
    "thruSmoke": false,
    "distance": 305.7054888578491,                 # Distance between attacker and victim in ingame units
    "isTrade": false,                              # Trades determined through the parser parameters. Default is 5 second time window.
    "playerTradedName": None,
    "playerTradedTeam": None,
    "playerTradedSteamID": None,
    "weapon": "Glock-18"
    "weaponClass": "Pistols"


The possible hit groups are Generic, Head, Chest, Stomach, LeftArm, RightArm, LeftLeg, RightLeg, Gear.

    "tick": 8172,
    "seconds": 3.6875,
    "clockTime": "01:52",
    "attackerSteamID": 76561198035759667,
    "attackerName": "alo0o0o0o0",
    "attackerTeam": "",
    "attackerSide": "T",
    "attackerX": -1184.6986083984375,
    "attackerY": 477.1373596191406,
    "attackerZ": -55.96875,
    "attackerViewX": 56.79931640625,
    "attackerViewY": 3.3837890625,
    "attackerStrafe": false,                 # Was the attacker moving when they shot
    "victimSteamID": 76561197960742750,
    "victimName": "howl",
    "victimTeam": "",
    "victimSide": "T",
    "victimX": -1125.4398193359375,
    "victimY": 520.9878540039062,
    "victimZ": -51.978607177734375,
    "victimViewX": 9.2230224609375,
    "victimViewY": 0.6097412109375,
    "weapon": "Knife",
    "weaponClass": "Equipment",
    "hpDamage": 61,                          # Can be over 100 (e.g., AWP headshots)
    "hpDamageTaken": 61,                     # Damage actually taken by the victim
    "armorDamage": 5,
    "armorDamageTaken": 5,
    "hitGroup": "Generic",
    "isFriendlyFire": true,
    "distance": 73.82676464998524,
    "zoomLevel": 0                           # 0 for no zoom, 1 for half zoom, 2 for full zoom


    "throwTick": 8500,
    "destroyTick": 8860,                  # When was the entity destroyed
    "throwSeconds": 8.8125,
    "throwClockTime": "01:47",
    "destroySeconds": 14.4375,
    "destroyClockTime": "01:41",
    "throwerSteamID": 76561198098005932,
    "throwerName": "aidan",
    "throwerTeam": "",
    "throwerSide": "CT",
    "throwerX": 1330.09375,
    "throwerY": 570.0625,
    "throwerZ": 200.96875,
    "grenadeType": "HE Grenade",
    "grenadeX": 53.96875,
    "grenadeY": 671.5,
    "grenadeZ": 68.09375,
    "entityID": 5031578313293207366        # entity ID of the grenade

Bomb Events

The bomb action can be defuse, defuse_start, defuse_aborted, plant, plant_start, plant_aborted.

    "tick": 12250,
    "seconds": 67.40625,
    "clockTime": "00:48",
    "playerSteamID": 76561198043315625,
    "playerName": "Beach",
    "playerTeam": "",
    "playerX": 2160.965576171875,
    "playerY": 144.39041137695312,
    "playerZ": 160.03125,
    "bombAction": "plant_begin",
    "bombSite": "A"

Weapon Fires

    "tick": 8492,
    "seconds": 8.6875,
    "clockTime": "01:47",
    "playerSteamID": 76561198098005932,
    "playerName": "aidan",
    "playerTeam": "",
    "playerSide": "CT",
    "playerX": 1377.0318603515625,
    "playerY": 566.3394775390625,
    "playerZ": 131.50010681152344,
    "playerViewX": 175.49560546875,
    "playerViewY": 355.4901123046875,
    "playerStrafe": false,
    "weapon": "HE Grenade",
    "weaponClass": "Grenades",
    "zoomLevel": 0


    "tick": 9518,
    "seconds": 24.71875,
    "clockTime": "01:31",
    "attackerSteamID": 76561198098005932,
    "attackerName": "aidan",
    "attackerTeam": "",
    "attackerSide": "CT",
    "attackerX": 1434.30224609375,
    "attackerY": 2835.972412109375,
    "attackerZ": 127.61480712890625,
    "attackerViewX": 154.5062255859375,
    "attackerViewY": 317.7081298828125,
    "playerSteamID": 76561198060045535,
    "playerName": "Daniel",
    "playerTeam": "",
    "playerSide": "CT",
    "playerX": 923.0872192382812,
    "playerY": 2777.9443359375,
    "playerZ": 128.74525451660156,
    "playerViewX": 239.095458984375,
    "playerViewY": 358.2037353515625,
    "flashDuration": 2.676444416


    "parseKillFrame": true                         # true if the frame was parsed due to a kill
    "tick": 8174,
    "seconds": 3.71875,
    "clockTime": "01:52",
    "t": {
        "side": "T",
        "teamName": "",
        "teamEqVal": 3550,
        "alivePlayers": 5,
        "totalUtility": 1,
        "players": [{                              # List of player objects with the following structure
            "steamID": 76561198035759667,
            "name": "alo0o0o0o0",
            "team": "",
            "side": "T",
            "x": -1179.1435546875,
            "y": 483.21026611328125,
            "z": -55.96875,
            "velocityX": 109.83319854736328,
            "velocityY": 91.87308502197266,
            "velocityZ": 0,
            "viewX": 56.84326171875,
            "viewY": 3.33984375,
            "hp": 100,
            "armor": 0,
            "activeWeapon": "Knife",               # Weapon the player is currently holding
            "totalUtility": 0,
            "isAlive": true,
            "isBlinded": false,
            "isAirborne": false,
            "isDucking": false,
            "isDuckingInProgress": false,
            "isUnDuckingInProgress": false,
            "isDefusing": false,
            "isPlanting": false,
            "isReloading": false,
            "isInBombZone": false,
            "isInBuyZone": false,
            "isStanding": true,
            "isScoped": false,
            "isWalking": false,
            "isUnknown": false,
            "inventory": [{                        # List of weapons
                "weaponName": "Glock-18",
                "weaponClass": "Pistols",
                "ammoInMagazine": 20,
                "ammoInReserve": 120
            "spotters": [...],                     # SteamIDs of players that the current player has spotted
            "equipmentValue": 200,
            "equipmentValueFreezetimeEnd": 200,
            "equipmentValueRoundStart": 200,
            "cash": 800,
            "cashSpendThisRound": 0,
            "cashSpendTotal": 0,                   # Cash spent the entire game
            "hasHelmet": false,
            "hasDefuse": false,
            "hasBomb": false,
            "ping": 32,
            "zoomLevel": 0
        "ct": {...},                               # Same structure as "t"

        "projectiles": [{...}, ...],               # List of grenade objects
        "smokes": [{...}, ...],                    # List of current smokes
        "fires": [{...}, ...],                     # List of current fires
        "bomb": {"x": 1.23, "y": 4.56, "z": 7.89}, # Bomb position
        "bombPlanted": false,
        "bombsite": ""