Source code for awpy.visualization.plot

"""Functions for plotting player positions and nades.


    from awpy.visualization.plot import plot_round

import logging
import os
import shutil
from import Generator
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Literal, get_args

import imageio.v3 as imageio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from tqdm import tqdm

from import (
from import MAP_DATA, NAV
from awpy.types import (
from awpy.visualization import AWPY_TMP_FOLDER, SIDE_COLORS

[docs]@contextmanager def with_tmp_dir() -> Generator[None, None, None]: """Create and finally delete tmp dir.""" # Raises an exception if the folder already exists. # This is intended. We do not want to delete this folder if the user # already has one with that name. os.mkdir(AWPY_TMP_FOLDER) try: yield finally: shutil.rmtree(AWPY_TMP_FOLDER)
[docs]def plot_map( map_name: str = "de_dust2", map_type: str = "original", *, dark: bool = False ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Plots a blank map. Args: map_name (str, optional): Map to search. Defaults to "de_dust2" map_type (str, optional): "original" or "simpleradar". Defaults to "original" dark (bool, optional): Only for use with map_type="simpleradar". Indicates if you want to use the SimpleRadar dark map type Defaults to False Returns: matplotlib fig and ax """ base_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), f"""../data/map/{map_name}""") if map_type == "original": map_bg = imageio.imread(f"{base_path}.png") if map_name in MAP_DATA and "z_cutoff" in MAP_DATA[map_name]: map_bg_lower = imageio.imread(f"{base_path}_lower.png") map_bg = np.concatenate([map_bg, map_bg_lower]) else: try: col = "dark" if dark else "light" map_bg = imageio.imread(f"{base_path}_{col}.png") if map_name in MAP_DATA and "z_cutoff" in MAP_DATA[map_name]: map_bg_lower = imageio.imread(f"{base_path}_lower_{col}.png") map_bg = np.concatenate([map_bg, map_bg_lower]) except FileNotFoundError: map_bg = imageio.imread(f"{base_path}.png") if map_name in MAP_DATA and "z_cutoff" in MAP_DATA[map_name]: map_bg_lower = imageio.imread(f"{base_path}_lower.png") map_bg = np.concatenate([map_bg, map_bg_lower]) figure, axes = plt.subplots() axes.imshow(map_bg, zorder=0) return figure, axes
# Position function courtesy of
[docs]def position_transform( map_name: str, position: float, axis: Literal["x", "y"] ) -> float: # sourcery skip: use-fstring-for-concatenation """Transforms an X or Y coordinate. Args: map_name (str): Map to search position (float): X or Y coordinate axis (str): Either "x" or "y" (lowercase) Returns: float Raises: ValueError: Raises a ValueError if axis not 'x' or 'y' """ if axis not in ["x", "y"]: msg = f"'axis' has to be 'x' or 'y' not {axis}" raise ValueError(msg) # Have to skip f-string for pyright to handle literal math start = MAP_DATA[map_name]["pos_" + axis] scale = MAP_DATA[map_name]["scale"] if axis == "x": pos = position - start pos /= scale return pos # axis: "y": pos = start - position pos /= scale return pos
[docs]def position_transform_all( map_name: str, position: tuple[float, float, float] ) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Transforms an X or Y coordinate. Args: map_name (str): Map to search position (tuple): (X,Y,Z) coordinates Returns: tuple """ current_map_data = MAP_DATA[map_name] start_x = current_map_data["pos_x"] start_y = current_map_data["pos_y"] scale = current_map_data["scale"] x = position[0] - start_x x /= scale y = start_y - position[1] y /= scale z = position[2] if "z_cutoff" in current_map_data and z < current_map_data["z_cutoff"]: y += 1024 return (x, y, z)
[docs]def plot_positions( positions: list[PlotPosition], map_name: str = "de_ancient", map_type: str = "original", *, dark: bool = False, apply_transformation: bool = False, ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Plots player positions. Args: positions (list[PlotPosition]): List of lists of plot positions containing: position (tuple[float, float]): Tuple of length 2 ([[x,y], ...]) color (str): Color for the position marker (str): Marker for the position alpha (float): Alpha value for the position sizes (float): Size for the position map_name (str, optional): Map to search. Defaults to "de_ancient" map_type (str, optional): "original" or "simpleradar". Defaults to "original" dark (bool, optional): Only for use with map_type="simpleradar". Indicates if you want to use the SimpleRadar dark map type Defaults to False apply_transformation (bool, optional): Indicates if you need to also use position_transform() for the X/Y coordinates, Defaults to False Returns: matplotlib fig and ax """ figure, axes = plot_map(map_name=map_name, map_type=map_type, dark=dark) for position in positions: if apply_transformation: x = position_transform(map_name, position.position[0], "x") y = position_transform(map_name, position.position[1], "y") else: x = position.position[0] y = position.position[1] axes.scatter( x=x, y=y, c=position.color, marker=position.marker, alpha=position.alpha, s=position.size, ) axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(b=False) axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(b=False) return figure, axes
def _get_plot_position_for_player( player: PlayerInfo, side: Literal["ct", "t"], map_name: str ) -> PlotPosition: """Build a PlotPosition class for the given player. Args: player (PlayerInfo): Information about a player at a point in time. side (Literal["ct", "t"]): Side that the player is playing on. map_name (str): Map that the player is playing on. Returns: PlotPosition: Information needed to plot the player. """ pos = ( position_transform(map_name, player["x"], "x"), position_transform(map_name, player["y"], "y"), ) color = "cyan" if side == "ct" else "red" marker = "x" if player["hp"] == 0 else "." return PlotPosition(position=pos, color=color, marker=marker) def _get_plot_position_for_bomb(bomb: BombInfo, map_name: str) -> PlotPosition: """Build a PlotPosition class for the given player. Args: bomb (BombInfo): Information about a bomb at a point in time. map_name (str): Map that the bomb is playing on. Returns: PlotPosition: Information needed to plot the bomb. """ pos = ( position_transform(map_name, bomb["x"], "x"), position_transform(map_name, bomb["y"], "y"), ) color = "orange" marker = "8" return PlotPosition(position=pos, color=color, marker=marker)
[docs]@with_tmp_dir() def plot_round( filename: str, frames: list[GameFrame], map_name: str = "de_ancient", map_type: str = "original", *, dark: bool = False, fps: int = 10, ) -> Literal[True]: """Plots a round and saves as a .gif. CTs are blue, Ts are orange, and the bomb is an octagon. Only use untransformed coordinates. Args: filename (str): Filename to save the gif frames (list): List of frames from a parsed demo map_name (str, optional): Map to search. Defaults to "de_ancient" map_type (str, optional): "original" or "simpleradar". Defaults to "original dark (bool, optional): Only for use with map_type="simpleradar". Indicates if you want to use the SimpleRadar dark map type Defaults to False fps (int, optional): Number of frames per second in the gif Defaults to 10 Returns: True, saves .gif """ image_files: list[str] = [] for i, game_frame in tqdm(enumerate(frames)): positions = [_get_plot_position_for_bomb(game_frame["bomb"], map_name)] # Plot players for side in ("ct", "t"): positions.extend( _get_plot_position_for_player(player, side, map_name) for player in game_frame[side]["players"] or [] ) figure, _ = plot_positions( positions=positions, map_name=map_name, map_type=map_type, dark=dark, ) image_files.append(f"{AWPY_TMP_FOLDER}/{i}.png") figure.savefig(image_files[-1], dpi=300, bbox_inches="tight") plt.close() images = [imageio.imread(file) for file in image_files] imageio.imwrite(filename, images, duration=1000 / fps) return True
[docs]def plot_nades( rounds: list[GameRound], nades: list[str] | None = None, side: str = "CT", map_name: str = "de_ancient", map_type: str = "original", *, dark: bool = False, ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Plots grenade trajectories. Args: rounds (list): List of round objects from a parsed demo nades (list, optional): List of grenade types to plot Defaults to [] side (str, optional): Specify side to plot grenades. Either "CT" or "T". Defaults to "CT" map_name (str, optional): Map to search. Defaults to "de_ancient" map_type (str, optional): "original" or "simpleradar". Defaults to "original" dark (bool, optional): Only for use with map_type="simpleradar". Indicates if you want to use the SimpleRadar dark map type. Defaults to False Returns: matplotlib fig and ax """ if nades is None: nades = [] figure, axes = plot_map(map_name=map_name, map_type=map_type, dark=dark) for game_round in rounds: if game_round["grenades"] is None: continue for grenade_action in game_round["grenades"]: if ( grenade_action["throwerSide"] == side and grenade_action["grenadeType"] in nades ): start_x = position_transform(map_name, grenade_action["throwerX"], "x") start_y = position_transform(map_name, grenade_action["throwerY"], "y") end_x = position_transform(map_name, grenade_action["grenadeX"], "x") end_y = position_transform(map_name, grenade_action["grenadeY"], "y") g_color = { "Incendiary Grenade": "red", "Molotov": "red", "Smoke Grenade": "gray", "HE Grenade": "green", "Flashbang": "gold", }[grenade_action["grenadeType"]] axes.plot([start_x, end_x], [start_y, end_y], color=g_color) axes.scatter(end_x, end_y, color=g_color) axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(b=False) axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(b=False) return figure, axes
def _plot_frame_team_player_positions( map_name: str, side: Literal["CT", "T"], player_data: TeamMetadata, axes: plt.Axes, ) -> None: """Helper function to team's alive player positions. Args: map_name (str): Map used position_transform call side (Literal): Side used to determine player scatterplot color player_data (TeamMetadata): Team's metadata dictionary. Expected format same as output of extract_player_positions axes (plt.axes): axes object for plotting Returns: Nothing, all plotting is done on ax object """ transformed_x = [ position_transform(map_name, loc[0], "x") for loc in player_data.alive_player_locations ] transformed_y = [ position_transform(map_name, loc[1], "y") for loc in player_data.alive_player_locations ] side_color = SIDE_COLORS[lower_side(side)] color_arr = [side_color] * len(player_data.alive_player_locations) axes.scatter(transformed_x, transformed_y, c=color_arr) def _plot_map_control_from_dict( map_name: str, occupied_tiles: FrameMapControlValues, axes: plt.Axes, player_data: FrameTeamMetadata | None = None, ) -> None: """Helper function to plot map control nav tile plot. Args: map_name (str): Map used position_transform call occupied_tiles (TeamMapControlValues): Map control values for occupied tiles axes (plt.axes): axes object for plotting player_data (FrameTeamMetadata): Dictionary of player positions for each team. Expected format same as output of extract_player_positions Returns: Nothing, all plotting is done on ax object """ ct_tiles, t_tiles = occupied_tiles.ct_values, occupied_tiles.t_values # Iterate through the tiles that have a value for tile in set(ct_tiles).union(set(t_tiles)): if tile in NAV[map_name]: area = NAV[map_name][tile] width = position_transform( map_name, area["southEastX"], "x" ) - position_transform(map_name, area["northWestX"], "x") height = position_transform( map_name, area["northWestY"], "y" ) - position_transform(map_name, area["southEastY"], "y") # Use max value (default value 0 if no values exist) # for each side for the current tile ct_val = max(ct_tiles[tile], default=0) t_val = max(t_tiles[tile], default=0) # Map T/CT Val to RGB Color. # If CT Val is non-zero and T Val is 0, color will be Green # If T Val is non-zero and CT Val is 0, color will be Red # If T and CT Val are non-zero, color is weighted average # between Green and Red. cur_color = ct_val * np.array([0, 1, 0]) + t_val * np.array([1, 0, 0]) rect = patches.Rectangle( ( position_transform(map_name, area["northWestX"], "x"), position_transform(map_name, area["southEastY"], "y"), ), width, height, linewidth=1, edgecolor=cur_color, facecolor=cur_color, alpha=1.0, ) axes.add_patch(rect) else:"Tile not found in map: %s", tile) # Plot player positions if given if player_data is not None: _plot_frame_team_player_positions(map_name, "CT", player_data.ct_metadata, axes) _plot_frame_team_player_positions(map_name, "T", player_data.t_metadata, axes) axes.axis("off")
[docs]def plot_frame_map_control( map_name: str, frame: GameFrame, plot_type: MapControlPlotType = "default", given_fig_ax: tuple[plt.Figure, plt.Axes] | tuple[None, None] = (None, None), ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Visualize map control for awpy frame. Args: map_name (str): Map used position_transform call frame (GameFrame): awpy frame to calculate map control for plot_type (MapControlPlotType): Determines which type of plot is created (either default or with players) given_fig_ax: Optional tuple containing figure and ax objects for plotting Returns: matplotlib fig and ax Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) if plot_type not in get_args(MapControlPlotType): msg = "dist_type can only be default or players" raise ValueError(msg) if given_fig_ax[0] is None: given_fig_ax = plot_map(map_name=map_name, map_type="simpleradar", dark=True) figure, axes = given_fig_ax player_positions = extract_teams_metadata(frame) map_control_dict = calc_parsed_frame_map_control_values(map_name, player_positions) if plot_type == "players": _plot_map_control_from_dict( map_name, map_control_dict, axes, player_data=player_positions, ) else: # default _plot_map_control_from_dict( map_name, map_control_dict, axes, ) return figure, axes
[docs]@with_tmp_dir() def plot_round_map_control( filename: str, map_name: str, round_data: GameRound, plot_type: MapControlPlotType = "default", ) -> Literal[True]: """Create gif summarizing map control for round. Args: filename (str): Filepath to save the gif to file map_name (str): Map used in plot_frame_map_control call round_data (GameRound): Round whose map control will be animated. Expected format that of awpy round plot_type (MapControlPlotType): Determines which type of plot is created (either with or without players) Returns: True, ensuring function has completed Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in ] """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) images: list[np.ndarray] = [] print("Saving/loading frames") frames = round_data["frames"] for i, frame in enumerate(frames or []): tmp_frame_filename = f"{AWPY_TMP_FOLDER}/frame_{i}.png" # Save current frame map control viz to file # All frames are saved to './csgo_tmp/ folder ' tmp_fig, _ = plot_frame_map_control(map_name, frame, plot_type=plot_type) tmp_fig.savefig(fname=tmp_frame_filename, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=400) plt.close() # Load image back as frame of gif that will # be created at the end of this function images.append(imageio.imread(tmp_frame_filename)) print("Creating gif!") imageio.imwrite(filename, images) return True
def _plot_map_control_metrics( metrics: list[float], axes: plt.Axes, ) -> None: """Helper function to plot map control metrics. Args: metrics (list): List containing map control values to plot axes (axes): axes object for plotting Returns: Nothing, all plotting is done on ax_object """ x = list(range(1, len(metrics) + 1)) axes.plot(x, metrics) axes.set_ylim(-1, 1) axes.set_xlim(1, len(metrics) + 1) axes.axhline(y=0, linestyle="--", c="k") axes.set_ylabel("Map Control Metric Value", fontdict={"fontsize": 8}) yticks = [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1] yticklabels = [str(abs(tick)) for tick in yticks] axes.set_yticks(yticks) axes.set_yticklabels(yticklabels) axes.set_xlabel("Frame Number", fontdict={"fontsize": 8}) axes.set_title("Map Control Metric Progress", fontdict={"fontsize": 10}) axes.set_xticks([int(i) for i in axes.get_xticks()]) axes.text( 0.025, 0.05, "More T Control", fontsize=6, transform=axes.transAxes, verticalalignment="center", ) axes.text( 0.025, 0.95, "More CT Control", fontsize=6, transform=axes.transAxes, verticalalignment="center", )
[docs]def plot_map_control_metrics( metric_arr: list[float], ) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """Function to plot given map control metrics. Args: metric_arr (list): List containing map control values to plot Returns: matplotlib fig and ax with map control metric plot Raises: ValueError: If metrics is empty """ if not metric_arr: msg = "Metrics is empty." raise ValueError(msg) figure, axes = plt.subplots() _plot_map_control_metrics(metric_arr, axes) return figure, axes