Source code for awpy.parser.demoparser

"""This module defines the DemoParser class that handles the core functionality.

Core functionality is parsing and cleaning a csgo demo file.


    from awpy.parser import DemoParser

    # Create parser object
    # Set log=True above if you want to produce a logfile for the parser
    demo_parser = DemoParser(
        demofile = "og-vs-natus-vincere-m1-dust2.dem",
        demo_id = "OG-NaVi-BLAST2020",

    # Parse the demofile, output results to dictionary
    data = demo_parser.parse()

import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Literal, Unpack, get_args, overload

import pandas as pd
from pydantic import TypeAdapter, ValidationError

from awpy.types import (
from awpy.utils import check_go_version

    from pandas.core.arrays.base import ExtensionArray

[docs]class DemoParser: """DemoParser can parse, load and clean data from a CSGO demofile. Can be instantiated without a specified demofile. Attributes: demofile (string): A string denoting the path to the demo file, which ends in .dem. Defaults to '' outpath (string): Path where to save the outputfile to. Default is current directory demo_id (string): A unique demo name/game id. Default is inferred from demofile name output_file (str): The output file name. Default is 'demoid'+".json" parse_rate (int, optional): One of 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, or 1. The lower the value, the more frames are collected. Indicates spacing between parsed demo frames in ticks. Default is 128. parse_frames (bool): Flag if you want to parse frames (trajectory data) or not. Default is True parse_kill_frames (bool): Flag if you want to parse frames on kills. Default is False trade_time (int, optional): Length of the window for a trade (in seconds). Default is 5. dmg_rolled (bool): Boolean if you want damages rolled up. As multiple damages for a player can happen in 1 tick from the same weapon. Default is False parse_chat (bool): Flag if you want to parse chat messages. Default is False buy_style (string): Buy style string, one of "hltv" or "csgo" Default is "hltv" json_indentation (bool): Whether the json file should be pretty printed with indentation (larger, more readable) or not (smaller, less human readable) Default is False json (dict): Dictionary containing the parsed json file Raises: ValueError: Raises a ValueError if the Golang version is lower than 1.18 """ def __init__( self, *, demofile: str = "", outpath: str | None = None, demo_id: str | None = None, log: bool = False, debug: bool = False, **parser_args: Unpack[ParserArgs], ) -> None: """Instantiate a DemoParser. Args: demofile (string): A string denoting the path to the demo file, which ends in .dem. Defaults to '' outpath (string): Path where to save the outputfile to. Default is current directory demo_id (string): A unique demo name/game id. Default is inferred from demofile name log (bool, optional): A boolean indicating if the log should print to stdout. Default is False debug (bool, optional): A boolean indicating if debug output should be used. Default is False **parser_args (ParserArgs): Further keyword args: parse_rate (int, optional): One of 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, or 1. The lower the value, the more frames are collected. Indicates spacing between parsed demo frames in ticks. Default is 128. parse_frames (bool, optional): Flag if you want to parse frames (trajectory data) or not. Default is True parse_kill_frames (bool, optional): Flag if you want to parse frames on kills. Default is False trade_time (int, optional): Length of the window for a trade (in seconds). Default is 5. dmg_rolled (bool, optional): Boolean if you want damages rolled up. Default is False parse_chat (bool, optional): Flag if you want to parse chat messages. Default is False buy_style (str, optional): Buy style string, one of "hltv" or "csgo" Default is "hltv" json_indentation (bool, optional): Whether the json file should be pretty printed with indentation (larger, more readable) or not (smaller, less human readable) Default is False """ # Set up logger logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG if debug else logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%H:%M:%S", ) self.logger = logging.getLogger("awpy") self.logger.propagate = log # Handle demofile and demo_id name. # Only take the file name and remove the last extension. self.demofile = os.path.abspath(demofile)"Initialized awpy DemoParser with demofile %s", self.demofile) self._set_demo_id(demo_id, demofile)"Setting demo id to %s", self.demo_id) if outpath is None: outpath = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) else: outpath = os.path.abspath(outpath) self.output_file = os.path.join(outpath, self.demo_id + ".json") self.parser_args: FullParserArgs = { "parse_rate": 128, "trade_time": 5, "parse_frames": True, "parse_kill_frames": False, "dmg_rolled": False, "parse_chat": False, "json_indentation": False, "buy_style": "hltv", } self.parser_args.update(parser_args) self._check_trade_time() self._check_parse_rate() self._check_buy_style() self.log_settings() # Set parse error to False self.parse_error = False # Initialize json attribute as None self._json: Game | None = None
[docs] def log_settings(self) -> None: """Log the settings produced in the constructor.""""Rollup damages set to %s", str(self.dmg_rolled))"Parse chat set to %s", str(self.parse_chat))"Parse frames set to %s", str(self.parse_frames))"Parse kill frames set to %s", str(self.parse_kill_frames)) "Output json indentation set to %s", str(self.json_indentation), )"Setting trade time to %d", self.trade_time)"Setting buy style to %s", str(self.buy_style))
@property def json(self) -> Game | None: """Json getter. Returns: Game: Parsed demo information in json format """ return self._json @json.setter def json(self, new_json: Game | None) -> None: """Validate json shape via pydantic. Args: new_json (Game | None): Game dict to use. """ if new_json is not None: try: TypeAdapter(Game).validate_python(new_json) except ValidationError as e: # Do not always want to log the whole exception. self.logger.error( # noqa: TRY400 "Loaded json file does not have correct fields." " This may cause issues later." " Enable debug output to see the differences." ) self.logger.debug(e) self._json = new_json @property def buy_style(self) -> BuyStyle: """buy_style getter. Returns: BuyStyle: Current buy_style. """ return self.parser_args["buy_style"] @buy_style.setter def buy_style(self, buy_style: BuyStyle) -> None: """buy_style setter. Args: buy_style (BuyStyle): buy_style to use. """ self.parser_args["buy_style"] = buy_style @property def json_indentation(self) -> bool: """json_indentation getter. Returns: bool: Current json_indentation. """ return self.parser_args["json_indentation"] @json_indentation.setter def json_indentation(self, json_indentation: bool) -> None: """json_indentation setter. Args: json_indentation (bool): json_indentation to use. """ self.parser_args["json_indentation"] = json_indentation @property def parse_kill_frames(self) -> bool: """parse_kill_frames getter. Returns: bool: Current parse_kill_frames. """ return self.parser_args["parse_kill_frames"] @parse_kill_frames.setter def parse_kill_frames(self, parse_kill_frames: bool) -> None: """parse_kill_frames setter. Args: parse_kill_frames (bool): parse_kill_frames to use. """ self.parser_args["parse_kill_frames"] = parse_kill_frames @property def parse_frames(self) -> bool: """parse_frames getter. Returns: bool: Current parse_frames. """ return self.parser_args["parse_frames"] @parse_frames.setter def parse_frames(self, parse_frames: bool) -> None: """parse_frames setter. Args: parse_frames (bool): parse_frames to use. """ self.parser_args["parse_frames"] = parse_frames @property def parse_chat(self) -> bool: """parse_chat getter. Returns: bool: Current parse_chat. """ return self.parser_args["parse_chat"] @parse_chat.setter def parse_chat(self, parse_chat: bool) -> None: """parse_chat setter. Args: parse_chat (bool): parse_chat to use. """ self.parser_args["parse_chat"] = parse_chat @property def dmg_rolled(self) -> bool: """dmg_rolled getter. Returns: bool: Current dmg_rolled. """ return self.parser_args["dmg_rolled"] @dmg_rolled.setter def dmg_rolled(self, dmg_rolled: bool) -> None: """dmg_rolled setter. Args: dmg_rolled (bool): dmg_rolled to use. """ self.parser_args["dmg_rolled"] = dmg_rolled @property def trade_time(self) -> int: """Trade time getter. Returns: int: Current trade time. """ return self.parser_args["trade_time"] @trade_time.setter def trade_time(self, trade_time: int) -> None: """Trade time setter. Args: trade_time (int): Trade time to use. """ self.parser_args["trade_time"] = trade_time def _check_trade_time(self) -> None: """Check that trade time is positive and not too large.""" trade_time_upper_bound = 7 if self.trade_time <= 0: # Handle trade time trade_time_default = 5 self.logger.warning( "Trade time can't be negative, setting to default value of %d seconds.", trade_time_default, ) self.parser_args["trade_time"] = trade_time_default elif self.trade_time > trade_time_upper_bound: self.logger.warning( "Trade time of %d is rather long. Consider a value between 4-%d.", self.trade_time, trade_time_upper_bound, ) @property def parse_rate(self) -> ParseRate: """Parse rate getter. Returns: int: Current parse rate. """ return self.parser_args["parse_rate"] @parse_rate.setter def parse_rate(self, parse_rate: ParseRate) -> None: """Parse rate setter. Args: parse_rate (int): Parse rate to use. """ self.parser_args["parse_rate"] = parse_rate def _check_parse_rate(self) -> None: """Check that parse rate is not too high or low.""" # Handle parse rate. If the parse rate is less than 64, likely to be slow parse_rate_lower_bound = 64 parse_rate_upper_bound = 256 if not isinstance(self.parse_rate, int) or self.parse_rate < 1: self.logger.warning( "Parse rate of %s not acceptable! " "Parse rate must be an integer greater than 0.", str(self.parse_rate), ) self.parser_args["parse_rate"] = 128 elif 1 < self.parse_rate < parse_rate_lower_bound: self.logger.warning( "A parse rate lower than %s may be slow depending on the tickrate " "of the demo, which is usually 64 for MM and 128 for pro demos.", parse_rate_lower_bound, ) elif self.parse_rate >= parse_rate_upper_bound: self.logger.warning( "A high parse rate means very few frames. " "Only use for testing purposes." )"Setting parse rate to %s", str(self.parse_rate)) def _check_buy_style(self) -> None: """Check that buy style is valid.""" # Handle parse rate. If the parse rate is less than 64, likely to be slow if self.buy_style not in get_args(BuyStyle): self.logger.warning( "Buy style specified is not one of %s, " "will be set to hltv by default", get_args(BuyStyle), ) self.parser_args["buy_style"] = "hltv""Setting buy style to %s", str(self.buy_style)) def _set_demo_id(self, demo_id: str | None, demofile: str) -> None: """Set demo_id. If a demo_id was passed in that is used directly. Otherwise the demoid is inferred from the demofile. Args: demo_id (str | None): Optionally demo_id passed to __init__ demofile (str): Name of the demofile """ if not demo_id: self.demo_id = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(demofile.replace("\\", "/")) )[0] else: self.demo_id = demo_id
[docs] def parse_demo(self) -> None: """Parse a demofile using the Go script parse_demo.go. This function needs the .demofile to be set in the class, and the file needs to exist. Returns: Outputs a JSON file to current working directory. Raises: ValueError: Raises a ValueError if the Golang version is lower than 1.18 FileNotFoundError: Raises a FileNotFoundError if the demofile path does not exist. """ # Check if Golang version is compatible acceptable_go = check_go_version() if not acceptable_go: error_message = ( "Error calling Go. " "Check if Go is installed using 'go version'." " Need at least v1.18.0." ) self.logger.error(error_message) raise ValueError(error_message)"Go version>=1.18.0") # Check if demofile exists if not os.path.exists(os.path.abspath(self.demofile)): msg = "Demofile path does not exist!" self.logger.error(msg) raise FileNotFoundError(msg) path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "")"Running Golang parser from %s", path)"Looking for file at %s", self.demofile) parser_cmd = [ "go", "run", "parse_demo.go", "-demo", self.demofile, "-parserate", str(self.parse_rate), "-tradetime", str(self.trade_time), "-buystyle", str(self.buy_style), "-demoid", str(self.demo_id), "-out", os.path.dirname(self.output_file), ] if self.dmg_rolled: parser_cmd.append("--dmgrolled") if self.parse_frames: parser_cmd.append("--parseframes") if self.parse_kill_frames: parser_cmd.append("--parsekillframes") if self.json_indentation: parser_cmd.append("--jsonindentation") if self.parse_chat: parser_cmd.append("--parsechat") self.logger.debug(parser_cmd) with subprocess.Popen( parser_cmd, # noqa: S603 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=path, ) as proc: stdout = ( if proc.stdout is not None else None ) if os.path.isfile(self.output_file):"Wrote demo parse output to %s", self.output_file) self.parse_error = False else: self.parse_error = True self.logger.error("No file produced, error in calling Golang") self.logger.error(stdout)
[docs] def read_json(self, json_path: str) -> Game: """Reads the JSON file given a JSON path. Can be used to read in already processed demofiles. Args: json_path (string): Path to JSON file Returns (Game): JSON in Python dictionary form Raises: FileNotFoundError: Raises a FileNotFoundError if the JSON path doesn't exist """ # Check if JSON exists if not os.path.exists(json_path): self.logger.error("JSON path does not exist!") msg = "JSON path does not exist!" raise FileNotFoundError(msg) # Read in json to .json attribute with open(json_path, encoding="utf8") as game_data: demo_data: Game = json.load(game_data) self.json = demo_data "JSON data loaded, available in the `json` attribute to parser" ) return demo_data
@overload def parse( self, *, return_type: Literal["json"] = "json", clean: bool = ... ) -> Game: ... @overload def parse(self, *, return_type: Literal["df"], clean: bool = ...) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
[docs] def parse( self, *, return_type: RoundReturnType = "json", clean: bool = True ) -> Game | dict[str, Any]: """Wrapper for parse_demo() and read_json(). Use to parse a demo. Args: return_type (string, optional): Either "json" or "df". Default is "json" clean (bool, optional): True to run clean_rounds. Otherwise, uncleaned data is returned. Defaults to True. Returns: A dictionary of output which is parsed to a JSON file in the working directory. Raises: ValueError: Raises a ValueError if the return_type is not "json" or "df" AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ self.parse_demo() self.read_json(json_path=self.output_file) if clean: self.clean_rounds() if self.json:"JSON output found") if return_type == "json": return self.json if return_type == "df": demo_data = self.parse_json_to_df()"Returned dataframe output") return demo_data msg = "Parse return_type must be either 'json' or 'df'" self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) msg = "No JSON parsed! Error in producing JSON." self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def parse_json_to_df(self) -> dict[str, Any]: # sourcery skip: extract-method """Returns JSON into dictionary where keys correspond to data frames. Returns: A dictionary of output Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: demo_data: dict[str, Any] = { "matchID": self.json["matchID"], "clientName": self.json["clientName"], "mapName": self.json["mapName"], "tickRate": self.json["tickRate"], "playbackTicks": self.json["playbackTicks"], "rounds": self._parse_rounds(), } # Kills demo_data["kills"] = self._parse_action("kills") # Damages demo_data["damages"] = self._parse_action("damages") # Grenades demo_data["grenades"] = self._parse_action("grenades") # Flashes demo_data["flashes"] = self._parse_action("flashes") # Weapon Fires demo_data["weaponFires"] = self._parse_action("weaponFires") # Bomb Events demo_data["bombEvents"] = self._parse_action("bombEvents") # Frames demo_data["frames"] = self._parse_frames() # Player Frames demo_data["playerFrames"] = self._parse_player_frames()"Returned dataframe output") return demo_data msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
# Can not easily extract due to type checking def _parse_frames(self) -> pd.DataFrame: # sourcery skip: extract-method """Returns frames as a Pandas dataframe. Returns: A Pandas dataframe where each row is a frame (game state) in the demo, which is a discrete point of time. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: frames_dataframes = [] for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] or []: for frame in game_round["frames"] or []: frame_item: dict[str, Any] = {"roundNum": game_round["roundNum"]} for k in ("tick", "seconds"): frame_item[k] = frame[k] frame_item["ctTeamName"] = frame["ct"]["teamName"] frame_item["ctEqVal"] = frame["ct"]["teamEqVal"] frame_item["ctAlivePlayers"] = frame["ct"]["alivePlayers"] frame_item["ctUtility"] = frame["ct"]["totalUtility"] frame_item["tTeamName"] = frame["t"]["teamName"] frame_item["tEqVal"] = frame["t"]["teamEqVal"] frame_item["tAlivePlayers"] = frame["t"]["alivePlayers"] frame_item["tUtility"] = frame["t"]["totalUtility"] frames_dataframes.append(frame_item) frames_df = pd.DataFrame(frames_dataframes) frames_df["matchID"] = self.json["matchID"] frames_df["mapName"] = self.json["mapName"] return pd.DataFrame(frames_dataframes) msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def add_player_specific_information( self, player_item: dict[str, Any], player: PlayerInfo ) -> None: """Add player specific information to player_item dict. Args: player_item (dict[str, Any]): Dictionary containing player specific and general information for a frame. player (PlayerInfo): TypedDict containing information for a single player for a specific frame. """ for col, val in player.items(): if col != "inventory": player_item[col] = val
def _parse_player_frames(self) -> pd.DataFrame: # Can not easily extract due to type checking # sourcery skip: extract-method """Returns player frames as a Pandas dataframe. Returns: A Pandas dataframe where each row is a player's attributes at a given frame (game state). Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: player_frames = [] for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] or []: for frame in game_round["frames"] or []: for side in ("ct", "t"): players = frame[side]["players"] if players is None: continue for player in players: player_item: dict[str, Any] = { "roundNum": game_round["roundNum"], "tick": frame["tick"], "seconds": frame["seconds"], "side": side, "teamName": frame[side]["teamName"], } self.add_player_specific_information(player_item, player) player_frames.append(player_item) player_frames_df = pd.DataFrame(player_frames) player_frames_df["matchID"] = self.json["matchID"] player_frames_df["mapName"] = self.json["mapName"] return pd.DataFrame(player_frames_df) msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg) def _parse_rounds(self) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns rounds as a Pandas dataframe. Returns: A Pandas dataframe where each row is a round Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: rounds = [] cols = ( "roundNum", "startTick", "freezeTimeEndTick", "endTick", "endOfficialTick", "tScore", "ctScore", "endTScore", "endCTScore", "tTeam", "ctTeam", "winningSide", "winningTeam", "losingTeam", "roundEndReason", "ctFreezeTimeEndEqVal", "ctRoundStartEqVal", "ctRoundSpendMoney", "ctBuyType", "tFreezeTimeEndEqVal", "tRoundStartEqVal", "tRoundSpendMoney", "tBuyType", ) for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] or []: round_item: dict[str, Any] = {} for k in cols: round_item[k] = game_round[k] round_item["matchID"] = self.json["matchID"] round_item["mapName"] = self.json["mapName"] rounds.append(round_item) return pd.DataFrame(rounds) msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg) def _parse_action(self, action: GameActionKey) -> pd.DataFrame: """Returns action as a Pandas dataframe. Args: action (str): Action dict to convert to dataframe. Returns: A Pandas dataframe where each row is a damage event. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: actions: dict[str, list] = defaultdict(list) for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] or []: for game_action in game_round[action] or []: for key, value in game_action.items(): actions[key].append(value) actions["roundNum"].append(game_round["roundNum"]) actions["matchID"].append(self.json["matchID"]) actions["mapName"].append(self.json["mapName"]) # pd.array automatically infors nullable ints. actions_array: dict[str, ExtensionArray] = { key: pd.array(value_list) for key, value_list in actions.items() } return pd.DataFrame(actions_array) msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg) @overload def clean_rounds( self, *, remove_no_frames: bool = ..., remove_warmups: bool = ..., remove_knifes: bool = ..., remove_bad_timings: bool = ..., remove_excess_players: bool = ..., remove_excess_kills: bool = ..., remove_bad_endings: bool = ..., remove_bad_scoring: bool = ..., return_type: Literal["json"] = "json", save_to_json: bool = ..., ) -> Game: ... @overload def clean_rounds( self, *, remove_no_frames: bool = ..., remove_warmups: bool = ..., remove_knifes: bool = ..., remove_bad_timings: bool = ..., remove_excess_players: bool = ..., remove_excess_kills: bool = ..., remove_bad_endings: bool = ..., remove_bad_scoring: bool = ..., return_type: Literal["df"] = ..., save_to_json: bool = ..., ) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
[docs] def clean_rounds( self, *, remove_no_frames: bool = True, remove_warmups: bool = True, remove_knifes: bool = True, remove_bad_timings: bool = True, remove_excess_players: bool = True, remove_excess_kills: bool = True, remove_bad_endings: bool = True, remove_bad_scoring: bool = True, return_type: RoundReturnType = "json", save_to_json: bool = True, ) -> Game | dict[str, Any]: """Cleans a parsed demofile JSON. Args: remove_no_frames (bool, optional): Remove rounds where there are no frames. Default to True. remove_warmups (bool, optional): Remove warmup rounds. Defaults to True. remove_knifes (bool, optional): Remove knife rounds. Defaults to True. remove_bad_timings (bool, optional): Remove bad timings. Defaults to True. remove_excess_players (bool, optional): Remove rounds with more than 5 players. Defaults to True. remove_excess_kills (bool, optional): Remove rounds with more than 10 kills. Defaults to True. remove_bad_endings (bool, optional): Remove rounds with bad round end reasons. Defaults to True. remove_bad_scoring (bool, optional): Remove rounds where the scoring is off Like scores going below the previous round's. Defaults to False. return_type (str, optional): Return JSON or DataFrame. Defaults to "json". save_to_json (bool, optional): Whether to write the JSON to a file. Defaults to True. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None ValueError: Raises a ValueError if the return type is neither 'json' nor 'df' Returns: dict: A dictionary of the cleaned demo. """ if self.json: if remove_no_frames: self.remove_rounds_with_no_frames() if remove_warmups: self.remove_warmups() if remove_knifes: self.remove_knife_rounds() if remove_bad_timings: self.remove_time_rounds() if remove_excess_players: self.remove_excess_players() if remove_excess_kills: self.remove_excess_kill_rounds() if remove_bad_endings: self.remove_end_round() if remove_bad_scoring: self.remove_bad_scoring() self.renumber_rounds() self.renumber_frames() # self.rescore_rounds() -- Need to edit to take into account half switches if save_to_json: self.write_json() if return_type == "json": return self.json if return_type == "df": demo_data = self.parse_json_to_df()"Returned cleaned dataframe output") return demo_data msg = f"Invalid return_type of {return_type}. Use 'json' or 'df' instead!" raise ValueError(msg) msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def write_json(self) -> None: """Rewrite the JSON file.""" with open(self.output_file, "w", encoding="utf8") as file_path: json.dump( self.json, file_path, indent=(1 if self.json_indentation else None) )
[docs] def renumber_rounds(self) -> None: """Renumbers the rounds. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute has no "gameRounds" key. """ if self.json: if self.json["gameRounds"] is None: return for i, _r in enumerate(self.json["gameRounds"]): self.json["gameRounds"][i]["roundNum"] = i + 1 else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def renumber_frames(self) -> None: """Renumbers the frames. Needed since cleaning can remove frames and cause some indices to be skipped. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute has no "gameRounds" key. """ if self.json: if self.json["gameRounds"] is None: return for index, frame in enumerate( frame for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] for frame in game_round["frames"] or [] ): frame["globalFrameID"] = index else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def rescore_rounds(self) -> None: """Rescore the rounds based on round end reason. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute has no "gameRounds" key. """ if self.json: if self.json["gameRounds"] is None: return for i, _r in enumerate(self.json["gameRounds"]): if i == 0: self.json["gameRounds"][i]["tScore"] = 0 self.json["gameRounds"][i]["ctScore"] = 0 if self.json["gameRounds"][i]["winningSide"] == "ct": self.json["gameRounds"][i]["endCTScore"] = 1 self.json["gameRounds"][i]["endTScore"] = 0 if self.json["gameRounds"][i]["winningSide"] == "t": self.json["gameRounds"][i]["endCTScore"] = 0 self.json["gameRounds"][i]["endTScore"] = 1 elif i > 0: self.json["gameRounds"][i]["tScore"] = self.json["gameRounds"][ i - 1 ]["endTScore"] self.json["gameRounds"][i]["ctScore"] = self.json["gameRounds"][ i - 1 ]["endCTScore"] if self.json["gameRounds"][i]["winningSide"] == "ct": self.json["gameRounds"][i]["endCTScore"] = ( self.json["gameRounds"][i]["ctScore"] + 1 ) self.json["gameRounds"][i]["endTScore"] = self.json[ "gameRounds" ][i]["tScore"] if self.json["gameRounds"][i]["winningSide"] == "t": self.json["gameRounds"][i]["endCTScore"] = self.json[ "gameRounds" ][i]["ctScore"] self.json["gameRounds"][i]["endTScore"] = ( self.json["gameRounds"][i]["tScore"] + 1 ) else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
def _has_winner_and_not_winner(self, game_round: GameRound) -> bool: tie_score = 15 ot_tie_score = 3 regular_valid_t_win = (game_round["endTScore"] == tie_score + 1) and ( game_round["endCTScore"] < tie_score ) regular_valid_ct_win = ( game_round["endCTScore"] == tie_score + 1 and game_round["endTScore"] < tie_score ) # OT draw scores are of the type # 15 + 3xN with N a natural number(1, 2, 3, ...) # So 18, 21, 24, 27 # Wins are 1 higher # So 19, 22, 25, 28 # So if you subtract 15 + 1 from an OT winning round # the number is divisible by 3 ot_valid_ct_win = ( (game_round["endCTScore"] - tie_score - 1) % ot_tie_score == 0 # Difference of two needed for a win. e.g 19-17 # Difference of one means that it was 18-18 and went to another # overtime e.g. 19-18 and thus is not a win for one side yet. and game_round["endTScore"] < (game_round["endCTScore"] - 1) and game_round["endCTScore"] > tie_score ) ot_valid_t_win = ( (game_round["endTScore"] - tie_score - 1) % ot_tie_score == 0 and game_round["endCTScore"] < (game_round["endTScore"] - 1) and game_round["endTScore"] > tie_score ) return ( regular_valid_ct_win or regular_valid_t_win or ot_valid_ct_win or ot_valid_t_win )
[docs] def remove_bad_scoring(self) -> None: """Removes rounds where the scoring is bad. We loop through the rounds: If the round ahead has equal or less score, we do not add the current round. If the round ahead has +1 score, we add the current round Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: if self.json["gameRounds"] is None: return cleaned_rounds = [] for i, game_round in enumerate(self.json["gameRounds"]): current_round_total = ( game_round["tScore"] + game_round["endTScore"] + game_round["ctScore"] + game_round["endCTScore"] ) lookback_round = self.json["gameRounds"][i - 1] lookback_round_total = ( lookback_round["tScore"] + lookback_round["endTScore"] + lookback_round["ctScore"] + lookback_round["endCTScore"] ) # Last round just have to have a higher score than the previous if ( i == (len(self.json["gameRounds"]) - 1) and current_round_total > lookback_round_total ): cleaned_rounds.append(game_round) # Other rounds have more criteria # They need to have a lower score than the next round # Or when they are the round that causes the game to end in a win # Then they just need more rounds than the previous. # Rounds after are likely not real anymore. elif i < (len(self.json["gameRounds"]) - 1): lookahead_round = self.json["gameRounds"][i + 1] lookahead_round_total = ( lookahead_round["tScore"] + lookahead_round["endTScore"] + lookahead_round["ctScore"] + lookahead_round["endCTScore"] ) if (lookahead_round_total > current_round_total) or ( self._has_winner_and_not_winner(game_round) and current_round_total > lookback_round_total ): cleaned_rounds.append(game_round) self.json["gameRounds"] = cleaned_rounds else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def remove_rounds_with_no_frames(self) -> None: """Removes rounds with no frames. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: if not self.parse_frames: self.logger.warning( "parse_frames is set to False, " "must be true for remove_no_frames to work. " "Skipping remove_no_frames." ) else: cleaned_rounds = [ game_round for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] or [] if len(game_round["frames"] or []) > 0 ] self.json["gameRounds"] = cleaned_rounds else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def remove_excess_players(self) -> None: """Removes rounds where there are more than 5 players on a side. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: if not self.parse_frames: self.logger.warning( "parse_frames is set to False, " "must be true for remove_excess_players to work. " "Skipping remove_excess_players." ) else: cleaned_rounds = [] # Remove rounds where the number of players is too large n_players = 5 for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] or []: if not game_round["frames"]: continue game_frame = game_round["frames"][0] player_lists = ( game_frame["t"]["players"], game_frame["ct"]["players"], ) # Remove if any side has > 5 players # Remove if both sides are None if all( len(player_list or []) <= n_players for player_list in player_lists ) and any(player_list is not None for player_list in player_lists): cleaned_rounds.append(game_round) self.json["gameRounds"] = cleaned_rounds else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def remove_warmups(self) -> None: """Removes warmup rounds. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: cleaned_rounds = [ game_round for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] or [] if not game_round["isWarmup"] ] self.json["gameRounds"] = cleaned_rounds else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def remove_end_round(self, bad_endings: list[str] | None = None) -> None: """Removes rounds with bad end reason. Args: bad_endings (list, optional): List of bad round end reasons. Defaults to ["Draw", "Unknown", ""]. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if bad_endings is None: bad_endings = ["Draw", "Unknown", ""] if self.json: if (game_rounds := self.json["gameRounds"]) is None: return cleaned_rounds = [ game_round for game_round in game_rounds if game_round["roundEndReason"] not in bad_endings ] self.json["gameRounds"] = cleaned_rounds else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def remove_knife_rounds(self) -> None: """Removes knife rounds. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: if (game_rounds := self.json["gameRounds"]) is None: return cleaned_rounds = [] for game_round in game_rounds: if game_round["isWarmup"]: continue if (kill_actions := game_round["kills"]) is None: continue total_kills = len(kill_actions) total_knife_kills = sum( 1 for k in kill_actions if k["weapon"] == "Knife" ) if (total_knife_kills != total_kills) | (total_knife_kills == 0): cleaned_rounds.append(game_round) self.json["gameRounds"] = cleaned_rounds else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def remove_excess_kill_rounds(self) -> None: """Removes rounds with more than 10 kills. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: n_total_players = 10 cleaned_rounds = [ game_round for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] or [] if ( not game_round["isWarmup"] and len(game_round["kills"] or []) <= n_total_players ) ] self.json["gameRounds"] = cleaned_rounds else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)
[docs] def remove_time_rounds(self) -> None: """Remove rounds with odd round timings. Raises: AttributeError: Raises an AttributeError if the .json attribute is None """ if self.json: cleaned_rounds = [ game_round for game_round in self.json["gameRounds"] or [] if ( (game_round["startTick"] <= game_round["endTick"]) and (game_round["startTick"] <= game_round["endOfficialTick"]) and (game_round["startTick"] <= game_round["freezeTimeEndTick"]) ) ] self.json["gameRounds"] = cleaned_rounds else: msg = "JSON not found. Run .parse() or .read_json() if JSON already exists" self.logger.error(msg) raise AttributeError(msg)