Source code for

"""Functions for finding distances between points, areas or states.


    from import area_distance

    geodesic_dist = area_distance(
        map_name="de_dust2", area_a=152, area_b=8970, dist_type="geodesic"
    f, ax = plot_map(map_name="de_dust2", map_type="simpleradar", dark=True)

    for a in NAV["de_dust2"]:
        area = NAV["de_dust2"][a]
        color = "None"
        if a in geodesic_dist["areas"]:
            color = "red"
        width = area["southEastX"] - area["northWestX"]
        height = area["northWestY"] - area["southEastY"]
        southwest_x = area["northWestX"]
        southwest_y = area["southEastY"]
        rect = patches.Rectangle(
            (southwest_x, southwest_y),
import itertools
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import pairwise
from statistics import mean, median
from typing import Literal, get_args, overload

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt
from scipy.spatial import distance
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from sympy.utilities.iterables import multiset_permutations

from awpy.types import (

[docs]def point_in_area(map_name: str, area_id: TileId, point: PlayerPosition) -> bool: """Returns if the point is within a nav area for a map. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider area_id (TileId): Area ID as an integer point (list): Point as a list [x,y,z] Returns: True if area contains the point, false if not Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in If area_id is not in[map_name] If the length of point is not 3 """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) if area_id not in NAV[map_name]: msg = "Area ID not found." raise ValueError(msg) # Three dimensional space. Unlikely to change anytime soon if len(point) != 3: # noqa: PLR2004 msg = "Point must be a tuple (X,Y,Z)" raise ValueError(msg) contains_x = ( min(NAV[map_name][area_id]["northWestX"], NAV[map_name][area_id]["southEastX"]) < point[0] < max( NAV[map_name][area_id]["northWestX"], NAV[map_name][area_id]["southEastX"] ) ) contains_y = ( min(NAV[map_name][area_id]["northWestY"], NAV[map_name][area_id]["southEastY"]) < point[1] < max( NAV[map_name][area_id]["northWestY"], NAV[map_name][area_id]["southEastY"] ) ) return contains_x and contains_y
@overload def find_closest_area( map_name: str, point: PlayerPosition, *, flat: Literal[False] = ... ) -> ClosestArea: ... @overload def find_closest_area( map_name: str, point: PlayerPosition2D, *, flat: Literal[True] = ... ) -> ClosestArea: ...
[docs]def find_closest_area( map_name: str, point: PlayerPosition | PlayerPosition2D, *, flat: bool = False ) -> ClosestArea: """Finds the closest area in the nav mesh. Searches through all the areas by comparing point to area centerpoint. Args: map_name (string): Map to search point (tuple): Point as a tuple (x,y,z) or (x, y) flat (Boolean): Whether z should be ignored. Returns: A dict containing info on the closest area Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in If the length of point is not 3 """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) if flat: if len(point) != 2: # noqa: PLR2004 msg = "Point must be a tuple (X,Y) when flat is True" raise ValueError(msg) elif len(point) != 3: # noqa: PLR2004 msg = "Point must be a tuple (X,Y,Z)" raise ValueError(msg) closest_area: ClosestArea = { "mapName": map_name, # I do not think there is anyway this can actually be None # And not allowing it to be None makes things easier with type checking "areaId": 0, "distance": float("inf"), } for area in NAV[map_name]: avg_x, avg_y, avg_z = _get_area_center(map_name, area) if flat: dist = np.sqrt((point[0] - avg_x) ** 2 + (point[1] - avg_y) ** 2) else: dist = np.sqrt( (point[0] - avg_x) ** 2 + (point[1] - avg_y) ** 2 # If flat is false we have a 3D PlayerPosition + (point[2] - avg_z) ** 2 # pyright: ignore [reportGeneralTypeIssues] ) if dist < closest_area["distance"]: closest_area["areaId"] = area closest_area["distance"] = dist return closest_area
def _check_arguments_area_distance( map_name: str, area_a: TileId, area_b: TileId, dist_type: DistanceType = "graph", ) -> None: """Returns the distance between two areas. Dist type can be [graph, geodesic, euclidean]. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider area_a (TileId): Area id area_b (TileId): Area id dist_type (string, optional): String indicating the type of distance to use (graph, geodesic or euclidean). Defaults to 'graph' Returns: A dict containing info on the path between two areas. Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in If either area_a or area_b is not in[map_name] If the dist_type is not one of ["graph", "geodesic", "euclidean"] """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) if (area_a not in NAV[map_name]) or (area_b not in NAV[map_name]): msg = "Area ID not found." raise ValueError(msg) if dist_type not in get_args(DistanceType): msg = "dist_type can only be graph, geodesic or euclidean" raise ValueError(msg) def _get_area_center(map_name: str, area: TileId) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Get the coordinates of the center of an area. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider area (TileId): Area id Returns: Tuple of x, y, z coordinates of the area center. """ area_x = (NAV[map_name][area]["southEastX"] + NAV[map_name][area]["northWestX"]) / 2 area_y = (NAV[map_name][area]["southEastY"] + NAV[map_name][area]["northWestY"]) / 2 area_z = (NAV[map_name][area]["southEastZ"] + NAV[map_name][area]["northWestZ"]) / 2 return area_x, area_y, area_z def _get_euclidean_area_distance( map_name: str, area_a: TileId, area_b: TileId, ) -> float: """Returns the euclidean distance the centers of two areas. Args: map_name (string): Map to search area_a (TileId): Area id area_b (TileId): Area id Returns: Distance between the centers of the two areas. """ area_a_x, area_a_y, area_a_z = _get_area_center(map_name, area_a) area_b_x, area_b_y, area_b_z = _get_area_center(map_name, area_b) return math.sqrt( (area_a_x - area_b_x) ** 2 + (area_a_y - area_b_y) ** 2 + (area_a_z - area_b_z) ** 2 ) def _get_graph_area_distance( map_graph: nx.DiGraph, area_a: TileId, area_b: TileId, ) -> tuple[float, list[TileId]]: """Returns the graph distance between two areas. Args: map_graph (nx.DiGraph): DiGraph for the considered map area_a (TileId): Area id area_b (TileId): Area id Returns: tuple containing - Distance between two areas as length of the path - Path between the two areas as list of (TileId) nodes """ try: discovered_path = nx.bidirectional_shortest_path(map_graph, area_a, area_b) except nx.NetworkXNoPath: return float("inf"), [] return len(discovered_path) - 1, discovered_path def _get_geodesic_area_distance( map_graph: nx.DiGraph, area_a: TileId, area_b: TileId, ) -> tuple[float, list[TileId]]: """Returns the geodesic distance between two areas. Args: map_graph (nx.DiGraph): DiGraph for the considered map area_a (int): Area id area_b (int): Area id Returns: tuple containing - Distance between two areas as geodesic cost - Path between the two areas as list of (TileId) nodes """ def dist_heuristic(node_a: TileId, node_b: TileId) -> float: return distance.euclidean( map_graph.nodes[node_a]["center"], map_graph.nodes[node_b]["center"] ) try: geodesic_path = nx.astar_path( map_graph, area_a, area_b, heuristic=dist_heuristic, weight="weight" ) geodesic_cost = sum( map_graph[u][v]["weight"] for u, v in pairwise(geodesic_path) ) except nx.NetworkXNoPath: return float("inf"), [] return geodesic_cost, geodesic_path
[docs]def area_distance( map_name: str, area_a: TileId, area_b: TileId, dist_type: DistanceType = "graph", ) -> DistanceObject: """Returns the distance between two areas. Dist type can be [graph, geodesic, euclidean]. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider area_a (TileId): Source area id area_b (TileId): Destination area id dist_type (string, optional): String indicating the type of distance to use (graph, geodesic or euclidean). Defaults to 'graph' Returns: A dict containing info on the path between two areas. Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in If either area_a or area_b is not in[map_name] If the dist_type is not one of ["graph", "geodesic", "euclidean"] """ _check_arguments_area_distance(map_name, area_a, area_b, dist_type) map_graph = NAV_GRAPHS[map_name] distance_obj: DistanceObject = { "distanceType": dist_type, "distance": float("inf"), "areas": [], } if dist_type == "graph": distance_obj["distance"], distance_obj["areas"] = _get_graph_area_distance( map_graph, area_a, area_b ) return distance_obj if dist_type == "geodesic": distance_obj["distance"], distance_obj["areas"] = _get_geodesic_area_distance( map_graph, area_a, area_b ) return distance_obj distance_obj["areas"] = [area_a, area_b] distance_obj["distance"] = _get_euclidean_area_distance(map_name, area_a, area_b) return distance_obj
[docs]def point_distance( map_name: str, point_a: PlayerPosition, point_b: PlayerPosition, dist_type: PointDistanceType = "graph", ) -> DistanceObject: """Returns the distance between two points. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider point_a (list): Point as a list (x,y,z) point_b (list): Point as a list (x,y,z) dist_type (string, optional): String indicating the type of distance to use. Can be graph, geodesic, euclidean, manhattan, canberra or cosine. Defaults to 'graph' Returns: A dict containing info on the distance between two points. Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in if dist_type is "graph" or "geodesic" If either point_a or point_b does not have a length of 3 (for "graph" or "geodesic" dist_type) """ if dist_type not in get_args(PointDistanceType): msg = ( "dist_type can only be graph, geodesic, " "euclidean, manhattan, canberra or cosine" ) raise ValueError(msg) if dist_type in {"graph", "geodesic"}: if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) # Three dimensional space. Unlikely to change anytime soon if len(point_a) != 3 or len(point_b) != 3: # noqa: PLR2004 msg = "When using graph or geodesic distance, point must be X/Y/Z" raise ValueError(msg) distance_obj: DistanceObject = { "distanceType": dist_type, "distance": float("inf"), "areas": [], } if dist_type in ("graph", "geodesic"): area_a = find_closest_area(map_name, point_a)["areaId"] area_b = find_closest_area(map_name, point_b)["areaId"] return area_distance(map_name, area_a, area_b, dist_type=dist_type) if dist_type == "euclidean": distance_obj["distance"] = distance.euclidean(point_a, point_b) return distance_obj if dist_type == "manhattan": distance_obj["distance"] = distance.cityblock(point_a, point_b) return distance_obj if dist_type == "canberra": distance_obj["distance"] = float(distance.canberra(point_a, point_b)) return distance_obj # redundant due to asserting that only ["graph", "geodesic", "euclidean", manhattan, # canberra, cosine] are valid and if checks that it is neither none of the others # if dist_type == "cosine": distance_obj["distance"] = float(distance.cosine(point_a, point_b)) return distance_obj
[docs]def generate_position_token(map_name: str, frame: GameFrame) -> Token: """Generates the position token for a game frame. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider frame (dict): A game frame Returns: A dict containing the T token, CT token and combined token (T + CT concatenated) Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in If either side ("ct" or "t") in the frame has no players """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) ct_players = frame["ct"]["players"] t_players = frame["t"]["players"] if ( ct_players is None or t_players is None or len(ct_players) == 0 or len(t_players) == 0 ): msg = "CT or T players has length of 0" raise ValueError(msg) # Create map area list map_area_names = sorted( {NAV[map_name][area_id]["areaName"] for area_id in NAV[map_name]} ) # Create token ct_token = np.zeros(len(map_area_names), dtype=np.int8) # We know this is not None because otherwise we would have already # thrown a ValueError for player in ct_players: if player["isAlive"]: closest_area = find_closest_area( map_name, (player["x"], player["y"], player["z"]) ) ct_token[ map_area_names.index(NAV[map_name][closest_area["areaId"]]["areaName"]) ] += 1 t_token = np.zeros(len(map_area_names), dtype=np.int8) # Same here for player in t_players: if player["isAlive"]: closest_area = find_closest_area( map_name, (player["x"], player["y"], player["z"]) ) t_token[ map_area_names.index(NAV[map_name][closest_area["areaId"]]["areaName"]) ] += 1 # Create payload ttoken = ( str(t_token).replace("'", "").replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(" ", "") ) cttoken = ( str(ct_token) .replace("'", "") .replace("[", "") .replace("]", "") .replace(" ", "") ) token: Token = {"tToken": ttoken, "ctToken": cttoken, "token": cttoken + ttoken} return token
[docs]def tree() -> dict: """Builds tree data structure from nested defaultdicts. Args: None Returns: An empty tree """ def the_tree() -> dict: return defaultdict(the_tree) return the_tree()
def _save_matrix_to_file( map_name: str, dist_matrix: AreaMatrix | PlaceMatrix, matrix_type: Literal["area", "place"], ) -> None: """Save the given matrix to a json file. Args: map_name (str): Name of the map corresponding to the matrix dist_matrix (AreaMatrix | PlaceMatrix): The nested dict to save to file. matrix_type (Literal["area", "place"]): Whether an area or place matrix is being saved """ if matrix_type not in ("area", "place"): msg = f"Matrix type has to be one of ('area', 'place') but was {matrix_type}!" raise ValueError(msg) with open( os.path.join(PATH, "nav", f"{matrix_type}_distance_matrix_{map_name}.json"), "w", encoding="utf8", ) as json_file: json.dump(dist_matrix, json_file)
[docs]def generate_area_distance_matrix(map_name: str, *, save: bool = False) -> AreaMatrix: """Generates or grabs a tree like nested dictionary containing distance matrices. Structures is [map_name][area1id][area2id][dist_type(euclidean,graph,geodesic)] Note that this can take 20min to 13h to run depending on the map and produces an output file of 50-600mb. If you run this offline and want to store the result for later reuse make sure to set 'save=True'! Args: map_name (string): Map to generate the place matrix for save (bool, optional): Whether to save the matrix to file Defaults to 'False' Returns: Tree structure containing distances for all area pairs on all maps Raises: ValueError: Raises a ValueError if map_name is not in """ logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%H:%M:%S", ) logging.warning( "Note that this can take 20min to 13h to run depending on the" " map and produces an output file of 50-600mb.\n" "If you run this offline and want to store the result " "for later reuse make sure to set 'save=True'!" ) # Initialize the dict structure area_distance_matrix: AreaMatrix = tree() if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) # And there over each area for area1 in NAV[map_name]:"Calculating distances from area %s", area1) # Precompute the tile center area1_x, area1_y, area1_z = _get_area_center(map_name, area1) # Loop over every pair of areas for area2 in NAV[map_name]: # Compute center of second area area2_x, area2_y, area2_z = _get_area_center(map_name, area2) # Calculate basic euclidean distance area_distance_matrix[str(area1)][str(area2)]["euclidean"] = math.sqrt( (area1_x - area2_x) ** 2 + (area1_y - area2_y) ** 2 + (area1_z - area2_z) ** 2 ) # Also get graph distance area_distance_matrix[str(area1)][str(area2)]["graph"] = area_distance( map_name, area1, area2, dist_type="graph" )["distance"] # And geodesic like distance area_distance_matrix[str(area1)][str(area2)]["geodesic"] = area_distance( map_name, area1, area2, dist_type="geodesic" )["distance"] if save: _save_matrix_to_file(map_name, area_distance_matrix, "area") return area_distance_matrix
def _check_place_matrix_map_name(map_name: str) -> None: """Checks if the given map_name is in NAV and AREA_DIST_MATRIX. Raises a ValueError if the map_name is not in NAV and logs a warning if it is not in AREA_DIST_MATRIX. Args: map_name (str): Name of the map to check Raises: ValueError: If the map is not in NAV. """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) if map_name not in AREA_DIST_MATRIX: logging.warning( """Skipping calculation of median distances between places. If you want to have those included run `generate_area_distance_matrix` first!""" ) def _get_area_place_mapping(map_name: str) -> dict[str, list[TileId]]: """Get the mapping of a named place to all areas that it contains. Get the mapping "areaName": [areas that have this area name] Args: map_name (str): Name of the map to get the mapping for. Returns: The mapping "areaName": [areas that have this area name] for each "areaName" """ area_mapping = defaultdict(list) # Get the mapping "areaName": [areas that have this area name] for area in NAV[map_name]: area_mapping[NAV[map_name][area]["areaName"]].append(area) return area_mapping def _get_median_place_distance( map_name: str, place1: str, place2: str, area_mapping: dict[str, list[TileId]], dist_type: DistanceType, ) -> float: """Get the median distance between the areas of two places. Args: map_name (str): Name of the map to get the distances for place1 (str): First place in the pair place2 (str): Second place in the pair area_mapping (dict[str, list[TileId]]): Mapping of each place to all area it contains dist_type (DistanceType): Distance type to consider. Returns: Median distance between all areas in two places. """ connections = [] for sub_area1 in area_mapping[place1]: connections.extend( AREA_DIST_MATRIX[map_name][str(sub_area1)][str(sub_area2)][dist_type] for sub_area2 in area_mapping[place2] ) return median(connections)
[docs]def generate_place_distance_matrix(map_name: str, *, save: bool = False) -> PlaceMatrix: """Generates or grabs a tree like nested dictionary containing distance matrices. Structures is: [map_name][placeid][place2id][dist_type(euclidean,graph,geodesic)] [reference_point(centroid,representative_point,median_dist)] Args: map_name (string): Map to generate the place matrix for save (bool, optional): Whether to save the matrix to file. Defaults to 'False' Returns: Tree structure containing distances for all place pairs on all maps Raises: ValueError: Raises a ValueError if map_name is not in """ logging.basicConfig( level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s", datefmt="%H:%M:%S", ) _check_place_matrix_map_name(map_name) place_distance_matrix: PlaceMatrix = tree() area_mapping = _get_area_place_mapping(map_name) # Get the centroids and representative points for each named place on the map centroids, reps = generate_centroids(map_name) # Loop over all pairs of named places for place1, centroid1 in centroids.items():"Calculating distances from place %s", place1) for place2, centroid2 in centroids.items(): # Loop over all three considered distance types for dist_type in ("geodesic", "graph", "euclidean"): # If precomputed values do not exist calculate them if map_name not in AREA_DIST_MATRIX: # Distances between the centroids for each named place place_distance_matrix[place1][place2][dist_type][ "centroid" ] = area_distance( map_name, centroid1, centroid2, dist_type=dist_type )[ "distance" ] # Distances between the representative points for each named place place_distance_matrix[place1][place2][dist_type][ "representative_point" ] = area_distance( map_name, reps[place1], reps[place2], dist_type=dist_type )[ "distance" ] # Median of all the distance pairs for areaA in place1 # to areaB in place2 # Without having the AREA_DISTANCE_MATRIX precalculated # this step could take up to 13 hours place_distance_matrix[place1][place2][dist_type][ "median_dist" ] = 0.0 else: place_distance_matrix[place1][place2][dist_type][ "centroid" ] = AREA_DIST_MATRIX[map_name][str(centroid1)][str(centroid2)][ dist_type ] place_distance_matrix[place1][place2][dist_type][ "representative_point" ] = AREA_DIST_MATRIX[map_name][str(reps[place1])][ str(reps[place2]) ][ dist_type ] place_distance_matrix[place1][place2][dist_type][ "median_dist" ] = _get_median_place_distance( map_name, place1, place2, area_mapping, dist_type ) if save: _save_matrix_to_file(map_name, place_distance_matrix, "place") return place_distance_matrix
def _get_area_points_z_s( map_name: str, ) -> tuple[dict[str, list[tuple[float, float]]], dict[str, list[float]]]: """Get the x, y and z coordinates for all areas in all places. Args: map_name (str): Map to get the coordinates for Returns: area_points (dict[str, list[tuple[float, float]]]): Dict mapping each place to the x and y coordinates of each area inside it. z_s (dict[str, list]): Dict mapping each place to the z coordinates of each area inside it. """ area_points: dict[str, list[tuple[float, float]]] = defaultdict(list) z_s: dict[str, list[float]] = defaultdict(list) for area_id in NAV[map_name]: area = NAV[map_name][area_id] cur_x = [area["southEastX"], area["northWestX"]] cur_y = [area["southEastY"], area["northWestY"]] # Get the z coordinates for each tile of a named area z_s[area["areaName"]].append(area["northWestZ"]) z_s[area["areaName"]].append(area["southEastZ"]) # Get all the (x,y) points that make up each tile of a named area for x, y in itertools.product(cur_x, cur_y): area_points[area["areaName"]].append((x, y)) return area_points, z_s
[docs]def generate_centroids( map_name: str, ) -> tuple[dict[str, int], dict[str, int]]: """For each region in the given map calculates the centroid and a repr. point. Also finds the closest tile for each. Args: map_name (string): Name of the map for which to calculate the centroids Returns: Tuple of dictionaries containing the centroid and representative tiles for each region of the map Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) area_points, z_s = _get_area_points_z_s(map_name) area_ids_cent: dict[str, TileId] = {} area_ids_rep: dict[str, TileId] = {} # For each named area for area_name in area_points: # Get the (approximate) orthogonal convex hull hull = np.array(stepped_hull(area_points[area_name])) # Get the centroids and rep. point of the hull try: my_polygon = Polygon(hull) centroid_coords = np.array(my_polygon.centroid.coords)[0] my_centroid = ( centroid_coords[0], centroid_coords[1], mean(z_s[area_name]), ) rep_coords = np.array(my_polygon.representative_point().coords)[0] rep_point = ( rep_coords[0], rep_coords[1], mean(z_s[area_name]), ) except ValueError: # A LinearRing must have at least 3 coordinate tuples my_centroid = ( mean([x for (x, _) in hull]), mean([y for (_, y) in hull]), mean(z_s[area_name]), ) rep_point = my_centroid # Find the closest tile for these points area_ids_cent[area_name] = find_closest_area(map_name, my_centroid)["areaId"] area_ids_rep[area_name] = find_closest_area(map_name, rep_point)["areaId"] return area_ids_cent, area_ids_rep
[docs]def stepped_hull(points: list[tuple[float, float]]) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Produces an approximation of the orthogonal convex hull. Args: points (list): A list of points given as tuples (x, y) Returns: A list of points making up the hull or four lists of points making up the four quadrants of the hull """ # May be equivalent to the orthogonal convex hull points = sorted(set(points)) if len(points) <= 1: return points # Get extreme y points min_y = min(points, key=lambda p: p[1]) max_y = max(points, key=lambda p: p[1]) # Create upper section upper_left = build_stepped_upper( sorted(points, key=lambda tup: (tup[0], tup[1])), max_y ) upper_right = build_stepped_upper( sorted(points, key=lambda tup: (-tup[0], tup[1])), max_y ) # Create lower section lower_left = build_stepped_lower( sorted(points, key=lambda tup: (tup[0], -tup[1])), min_y ) lower_right = build_stepped_lower( sorted(points, key=lambda tup: (-tup[0], -tup[1])), min_y ) # Correct the ordering lower_right.reverse() upper_left.reverse() # Remove duplicate points hull = list(dict.fromkeys(lower_left + lower_right + upper_right + upper_left)) hull.append(hull[0]) return hull
[docs]def build_stepped_upper( points: list[tuple[float, float]], max_y: tuple[float, float] ) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Builds towards the upper part of the hull. Based on starting point and maximum y value. Args: points (list[tuple[float, float]]): A list of points to build the upper left hull section from max_y (tuple[float, float]): The point with the highest y Returns: A list of points making up the upper part of the hull """ # Steps towards the highest y point section = [points[0]] if max_y != points[0]: for point in points: if point[1] >= section[-1][1]: section.append(point) if max_y == point: break return section
[docs]def build_stepped_lower( points: list[tuple[float, float]], min_y: tuple[float, float] ) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Builds towards the lower part of the hull. Based on starting point and maximum y value. Args: points (list[tuple[float, float]]): A list of points to build the upper left hull section from min_y (tuple[float, float]): The point with the lowest y Returns: A list of points making up the lower part of the hull """ # Steps towards the lowest y point section = [points[0]] if min_y != points[1]: for point in points: if point[1] <= section[-1][1]: section.append(point) if min_y == point: break return section
def _check_arguments_position_distance( map_name: str, position_array_1: npt.NDArray, position_array_2: npt.NDArray, distance_type: DistanceType = "geodesic", ) -> tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray]: """Check arguments of `position_state_distance`. Checks if arguments are valid and raises ValueErrors if not. Also orders position_arrays such that position_array_1 never contains fewer alive players than position_array_2. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider position_array_1 (numpy array): Numpy array with shape (2|1, 5, 3) with the first index indicating the team, the second the player and the third the coordinate. Alternatively the array can have shape (2|1, 5, 1) where the last value gives the area_id. Used only with geodesic and graph distance position_array_2 (numpy array): Numpy array with shape (2|1, 5, 3) with the first index indicating the team, the second the playe and the third the coordinate. Alternatively the array can have shape (2|1, 5, 1) where the last value gives the area_id. Used only with geodesic and graph distance distance_type (string, optional): String indicating how the distance between two player positions should be calculated. Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in ValueError: If distance_type is not one of ["graph", "geodesic", "euclidean"]. ValueError: If the 0th (number of teams) and 2nd (number of features) dimensions of the inputs do not have the same size. ValueError: If number of features is not 3 for euclidean distance_type Returns: tuple[npt.NDArray, npt.NDArray]: Potentially reordered position arrays. """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) if distance_type not in get_args(DistanceType): msg = "distance_type can only be graph, geodesic or euclidean" raise ValueError(msg) if ( position_array_1.shape[0] != position_array_2.shape[0] or position_array_1.shape[2] != position_array_2.shape[2] ): msg = ( "Game state shapes do not match! " "Both states have to have the same number of teams (1 or 2) " "and same number of coordinates." ) raise ValueError(msg) # Three dimensional space. Unlikely to change anytime soon if ( distance_type not in ["geodesic", "graph"] and position_array_1.shape[2] != 3 # noqa: PLR2004 ): msg = ( "Game state shapes are incorrect! " "Both states have to have the same number of coordinates (3)" " when not using 'geodesic' or graph 'distance'." ) raise ValueError(msg) # Make sure array1 is the one with more players alive if position_array_1.shape[1] < position_array_2.shape[1]: position_array_1, position_array_2 = position_array_2, position_array_1 return position_array_1, position_array_2 def _precompute_area_names( map_name: str, position_array_1: npt.NDArray, position_array_2: npt.NDArray ) -> dict[int, dict[int, dict[int, TileId]]]: """Precompute the area names for each player position. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider position_array_1 (numpy array): Numpy array with shape (2|1, 5, 3) with the first index indicating the team, the second the player and the third the coordinate. Alternatively the array can have shape (2|1, 5, 1) where the last value gives the area_id. Used only with geodesic and graph distance position_array_2 (numpy array): Numpy array with shape (2|1, 5, 3) with the first index indicating the team, the second the playe and the third the coordinate. Alternatively the array can have shape (2|1, 5, 1) where the last value gives the area_id. Used only with geodesic and graph distance Returns: dict[int, defaultdict[int, dict]]: Mapping for each team containing the areaId for each player. """ areas: dict[int, dict[int, dict[int, TileId]]] = { 1: defaultdict(dict), 2: defaultdict(dict), } if position_array_1.shape[-1] == 3: # noqa: PLR2004 for team in range(position_array_1.shape[0]): for player in range(position_array_1.shape[1]): areas[1][team][player] = find_closest_area( map_name, position_array_1[team][player] )["areaId"] for player in range(position_array_2.shape[1]): areas[2][team][player] = find_closest_area( map_name, position_array_2[team][player] )["areaId"] else: areas[1] = { team: {player: int(features[0]) for player, features in enumerate(row)} for team, row in enumerate(position_array_1) } areas[2] = { team: {player: int(features[0]) for player, features in enumerate(row)} for team, row in enumerate(position_array_2) } return areas def _euclidean_position_distance( position_array_1: npt.NDArray, position_array_2: npt.NDArray, team: int, player1: int, player2: int, ) -> float: """Calculate euclidean distance between two players. Calculate the euclidean distance between player1 and player2 on `team` for position_array_1 vs position_array_2. Fast but ignores walls. Args: position_array_1 (numpy array): Numpy array with shape (2|1, 5, 3) with the first index indicating the team, the second the player and the third the coordinate. Alternatively the array can have shape (2|1, 5, 1) where the last value gives the area_id. Used only with geodesic and graph distance position_array_2 (numpy array): Numpy array with shape (2|1, 5, 3) with the first index indicating the team, the second the playe and the third the coordinate. Alternatively the array can have shape (2|1, 5, 1) where the last value gives the area_id. Used only with geodesic and graph distance team (int): Which team to consider player1 (int): First player in distance calculation player2 (int): Second player in distance calculation Returns: float: Euclidean distance between player1 and player2 in team. """ return math.sqrt( (position_array_1[team][player1][0] - position_array_2[team][player2][0]) ** 2 + (position_array_1[team][player1][1] - position_array_2[team][player2][1]) ** 2 + (position_array_1[team][player1][2] - position_array_2[team][player2][2]) ** 2 ) def _graph_based_position_distance( map_name: str, area1: TileId, area2: TileId, distance_type: DistanceType, ) -> float: """Calculate graph based distance between two areas. Takes into account the actual map The underlying graph is directed (There is a short path to drop down a ledge but a long one is needed to get back up) So calculate both possible values and take the minimum one so that the distance between two states/trajectories is commutative Args: map_name (string): Map to consider area1 (int): First area in distance calculation area2 (int): Second area in distance calculation distance_type (string, optional): String indicating how the distance between two player positions should be calculated. Options are "geodesic", "graph". Returns: float: Graph based distance between two areas. """ if map_name not in AREA_DIST_MATRIX: this_dist = min( area_distance( map_name, area1, area2, dist_type=distance_type, )["distance"], area_distance( map_name, area2, area1, dist_type=distance_type, )["distance"], ) else: this_dist = min( AREA_DIST_MATRIX[map_name][str(area1)][str(area2)][distance_type], AREA_DIST_MATRIX[map_name][str(area2)][str(area1)][distance_type], ) if this_dist == float("inf"): this_dist = sys.maxsize / 6 return this_dist
[docs]def position_state_distance( map_name: str, position_array_1: npt.NDArray, position_array_2: npt.NDArray, distance_type: DistanceType = "geodesic", ) -> float: """Calculates a distance between two game states based on player positions. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider position_array_1 (numpy array): Numpy array with shape (2|1, 5, 3) with the first index indicating the team, the second the player and the third the coordinate. Alternatively the array can have shape (2|1, 5, 1) where the last value gives the area_id. Used only with geodesic and graph distance position_array_2 (numpy array): Numpy array with shape (2|1, 5, 3) with the first index indicating the team, the second the playe and the third the coordinate. Alternatively the array can have shape (2|1, 5, 1) where the last value gives the area_id. Used only with geodesic and graph distance distance_type (string, optional): String indicating how the distance between two player positions should be calculated. Options are "geodesic", "graph" and "euclidean". Defaults to 'geodesic' Returns: A float representing the distance between these two game states Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in ValueError: If distance_type is not one of ["graph", "geodesic", "euclidean"]. ValueError: If the 0th (number of teams) and 2nd (number of features) dimensions of the inputs do not have the same size. ValueError: If number of features is not 3 for euclidean distance_type """ position_array_1, position_array_2 = _check_arguments_position_distance( map_name, position_array_1, position_array_2, distance_type ) pos_distance: float = 0 # Pre compute the area names for each player's position # If the x,y and z coordinate are given # Three dimensional space. Unlikely to change anytime soon areas: dict[int, dict[int, dict[int, TileId]]] = {} if distance_type in ["geodesic", "graph"]: areas = _precompute_area_names(map_name, position_array_1, position_array_2) # Get the minimum mapping distance for each side separately for team in range(position_array_1.shape[0]): side_distance = float("inf") # Generate all possible mappings between players from array1 and array2. # Map player1 from array1 to player1 from array2 and # player2's to each other or match player1's with player2's and so on for mapping in itertools.permutations( range(position_array_1.shape[1]), position_array_2.shape[1] ): cur_dist: float = 0 for player2, player1 in enumerate(mapping): this_dist = 0 if distance_type == "euclidean": this_dist = _euclidean_position_distance( position_array_1, position_array_2, team, player1, player2 ) elif distance_type in ["geodesic", "graph"]: area1 = areas[1][team][player1] area2 = areas[2][team][player2] this_dist = _graph_based_position_distance( map_name, area1, area2, distance_type ) cur_dist += this_dist / len(mapping) side_distance = min(side_distance, cur_dist) pos_distance += side_distance / position_array_1.shape[0] return pos_distance
def _check_arguments_token_distance( map_name: str, token_array_1: npt.NDArray, token_array_2: npt.NDArray, distance_type: Literal[DistanceType, "edit_distance"] = "geodesic", reference_point: Literal["centroid", "representative_point"] = "centroid", ) -> None: """Check arguments of `token_state_distance`. Checks if arguments are valid and raises ValueErrors if not. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider token_array_1 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token token_array_2 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token distance_type (string, optional): String indicating how the distance between two player positions should be calculated. Options are "geodesic", "graph", "euclidean" and "edit_distance". Defaults to 'geodesic' reference_point (string, optional): String indicating which reference point to use to determine area distance. Options are "centroid" and "representative_point". Defaults to 'centroid' Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in ValueError: If distance_type is not one of: ["graph", "geodesic", "euclidean", "edit_distance"] ValueError: If reference_point is not one of: ["centroid", "representative_point"] ValueError: If the input token arrays do not have the same length. """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) if distance_type not in ["graph", "geodesic", "euclidean", "edit_distance"]: msg = "distance_type can only be graph, geodesic, euclidean or edit_distance" raise ValueError(msg) if reference_point not in ["centroid", "representative_point"]: msg = "reference_point can only be centroid or representative_point" raise ValueError(msg) if len(token_array_1) != len(token_array_2): msg = "Token arrays have to have the same length!" raise ValueError(msg) def _get_map_area_names(map_name: str) -> list[str]: """Get the list of named areas. Needed to translate back from token position to area name. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider token_array_1 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token Returns: list[str]: Sorted list of named areas on the map. """ map_area_names: set[str] = { NAV[map_name][area_id]["areaName"] for area_id in NAV[map_name] } return sorted(map_area_names) def _check_proper_token_length( map_area_names: list[str], token_array: npt.NDArray ) -> None: """Checks that the length of the token array matches expectation. Args: map_area_names (list[str]): Map to consider token_array (npt.NDArray): 1-D numpy array of a position token Raises: ValueError: If the length of the token arrays do not match the expected length for that map. """ if len(token_array) not in [len(map_area_names), len(map_area_names) * 2]: msg = ( "Token arrays do not have the correct length. " "There has to be one entry per named area per team considered!" ) raise ValueError(msg) def _edit_distance_tokens( token_array_1: npt.NDArray[np.int_], token_array_2: npt.NDArray[np.int_], nom_token_length: int, ) -> float: """Calculate the edit distance between two token arrays. How many edits of one value by 1 (up or down) are needed to go from one array to the other Eg: [3,0,0] to [0,1,0] needs 4 edits. Three to get the first index from 3 to 0 and then one to get the second from 0 to 1 Args: token_array_1 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token token_array_2 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token nom_token_length (int): Length of a position token for one side Returns: float: Edit distance between two token arrays """ token_dist: float = sum(map(abs, np.subtract(token_array_1, token_array_2))) token_dist /= len(token_array_1) // nom_token_length return token_dist def _get_index_differences( token_array_1: npt.NDArray[np.int_], token_array_2: npt.NDArray[np.int_], map_area_names: list[str], team_index: int, ) -> tuple[list[int], list[int], int]: """Get indinices that differ between two array. Build separate lists for indices where array1/array2 has a larger values. Each index ends up in list as many times are the difference of values. Args: token_array_1 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token token_array_2 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token map_area_names (list[str]): Sorted list of named areas on the map. team_index (int): Which team is currently being considered. First or second. Returns: tuple[list[int], list[int], int]: Lists of differing indices and Sum of the smaller array. """ array1, array2, size = _clean_token_arrays( token_array_1, token_array_2, map_area_names, team_index=team_index ) # Get the indices where array1 and array2 have larger values than the other. # Use each index as often as it if larger diff_array = np.subtract(array1, array2) pos_indices: list[int] = [] neg_indices: list[int] = [] for differing_index, difference in enumerate(diff_array): if difference > 0: pos_indices.extend([differing_index] * int(difference)) elif difference < 0: neg_indices.extend([differing_index] * int(abs(difference))) return pos_indices, neg_indices, size def _clean_token_arrays( token_array_1: npt.NDArray[np.int_], token_array_2: npt.NDArray[np.int_], map_area_names: list[str], team_index: int, ) -> tuple[npt.NDArray[np.int_], npt.NDArray[np.int_], int]: """Clean the token arrays used to calculate a token state distance. Extract the sub array for the currently considered team, make sure array1 is the larger one and get the normalization factor for the distance. The normalization factor is the sum of the smaller array as the a distance is calculated for each player in the smaller array and the distance per player pair is desired. Args: token_array_1 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token token_array_2 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token map_area_names (list[str]): Sorted list of named areas on the map. team_index (int): Which team is currently being considered. First or second. Returns: array1 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position sub token. array2 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position sub token. size (int): Sum of the smaller array. """ array1, array2 = ( token_array_1[ team_index * len(map_area_names) : len(map_area_names) + team_index * len(map_area_names), ], token_array_2[ team_index * len(map_area_names) : len(map_area_names) + team_index * len(map_area_names), ], ) # Make sure array1 is the larger one if sum(array1) < sum(array2): array1, array2 = array2, array1 size = sum(array2) return array1, array2, size
[docs]def token_state_distance( map_name: str, token_array_1: npt.NDArray[np.int_], token_array_2: npt.NDArray[np.int_], distance_type: Literal[DistanceType, "edit_distance"] = "geodesic", reference_point: Literal["centroid", "representative_point"] = "centroid", ) -> float: """Calculates a distance between two game states based on player positions. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider token_array_1 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token token_array_2 (numpy array): 1-D numpy array of a position token distance_type (string, optional): String indicating how the distance between two player positions should be calculated. Options are "geodesic", "graph", "euclidean" and "edit_distance". Defaults to 'geodesic' reference_point (string, optional): String indicating which reference point to use to determine area distance. Options are "centroid" and "representative_point". Defaults to 'centroid' Returns: A float representing the distance between these two game states Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in ValueError: If distance_type is not one of: ["graph", "geodesic", "euclidean", "edit_distance"] ValueError: If reference_point is not one of: ["centroid", "representative_point"] ValueError: If the input token arrays do not have the same length. ValueError: If the length of the token arrays do not match the expected length for that map. """ _check_arguments_token_distance( map_name, token_array_1, token_array_2, distance_type, reference_point ) # Get the list of named areas. # Needed to translate back from token position to area name map_area_names = _get_map_area_names(map_name) _check_proper_token_length(map_area_names, token_array_1) if distance_type == "edit_distance": return _edit_distance_tokens(token_array_1, token_array_2, len(map_area_names)) # If we do not have the precomputed matrix # we need to first build the centroids to get them ourselves later ref_points = {} if map_name not in PLACE_DIST_MATRIX: ( ref_points["centroid"], ref_points["representative_point"], ) = generate_centroids(map_name) # Loop over each team token_dist: float = 0 for i in range(len(token_array_1) // len(map_area_names)): side_distance = float("inf") # Get the sub arrays for this team from the total array pos_indices, neg_indices, size = _get_index_differences( token_array_1, token_array_2, map_area_names, team_index=i ) # Get all possible mappings between the differences # Eg: diff array is [1,1,-1,-1] # then pos_indices is [0,1] and neg_indices is [2,3] # The possible mappings are then [(0,2),(1,3)] and [(0,3),(1,2)] for mapping in ( list(zip(x, neg_indices, strict=True)) for x in multiset_permutations(pos_indices, len(neg_indices)) ): this_dist: float = sum( min( ( area_distance( map_name, ref_points[reference_point][map_area_names[area1]], ref_points[reference_point][map_area_names[area2]], dist_type=distance_type, )["distance"], area_distance( map_name, ref_points[reference_point][map_area_names[area2]], ref_points[reference_point][map_area_names[area1]], dist_type=distance_type, )["distance"], ) if map_name not in PLACE_DIST_MATRIX else ( PLACE_DIST_MATRIX[map_name][map_area_names[area1]][ map_area_names[area2] ][distance_type][reference_point], PLACE_DIST_MATRIX[map_name][map_area_names[area2]][ map_area_names[area1] ][distance_type][reference_point], ) ) for area1, area2 in mapping ) side_distance = min(side_distance, this_dist / size) token_dist += side_distance / (len(token_array_1) // len(map_area_names)) return token_dist
[docs]def get_array_for_frame(frame: GameFrame) -> npt.NDArray: """Generates a numpy array with the correct dimensions and content for a gameframe. Args: frame (GameFrame): A game frame Returns: numpy array for that frame """ pos_array = np.zeros( ( 2, max(len(frame["ct"]["players"] or []), len(frame["t"]["players"] or [])), 3, ) ) team_to_index: dict[Literal["t", "ct"], Literal[0, 1]] = {"t": 0, "ct": 1} for team_name, team_index in team_to_index.items(): for player_index, player in enumerate(frame[team_name]["players"] or []): pos_array[team_index][player_index][0] = player["x"] pos_array[team_index][player_index][1] = player["y"] pos_array[team_index][player_index][2] = player["z"] return pos_array
[docs]def frame_distance( map_name: str, frame1: GameFrame, frame2: GameFrame, distance_type: DistanceType = "geodesic", ) -> float: """Calculates a distance between two frames based on player positions. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider frame1 (GameFrame): A game frame frame2 (GameFrame): A game frame distance_type (string, optional): String indicating how the distance between two player positions should be calculated. Options are "geodesic", "graph" and "euclidean" Defaults to 'geodesic' Returns: A float representing the distance between these two game states Raises: ValueError: Raises a ValueError if there is a discrepancy between the frames regarding which sides are filled. If the ct side of frame1 contains players while that of frame2 is empty or None the error will be raised. The same happens for the t sides. """ if ( (len(frame1["ct"]["players"] or []) > 0) != (len(frame2["ct"]["players"] or []) > 0) ) or ( (len(frame1["t"]["players"] or []) > 0) != (len(frame2["t"]["players"] or []) > 0) ): msg = "The active sides between the two frames have to match." raise ValueError(msg) pos_array1 = get_array_for_frame(frame1) pos_array2 = get_array_for_frame(frame2) # position_state distance averages the result over the teams # However here we are always passing it the values for both team # This means if one side is empty and # we only want to consider the other one the result is halfed # So in that case we multiply the result back with 2 # Only need to look at one frame here because # `position_state_distance` will throw an error # anyway if the number of teams does not match between the frames team_number_multiplier = ( 1 if (len(frame2["ct"]["players"] or []) > 0) and (len(frame2["t"]["players"] or []) > 0) else 2 ) return ( position_state_distance(map_name, pos_array1, pos_array2, distance_type) * team_number_multiplier )
[docs]def token_distance( map_name: str, token1: str, token2: str, distance_type: Literal[DistanceType, "edit_distance"] = "geodesic", reference_point: Literal["centroid", "representative_point"] = "centroid", ) -> float: """Calculates a distance between two game states based on position tokens. Args: map_name (string): Map to consider token1 (string): A team position token token2 (string): A team position token distance_type (string, optional): String indicating how the distance between two player positions should be calculated. Options are "geodesic", "graph", "euclidean" and "edit_distance". Defaults to 'geodesic' reference_point (string, optional): String indicating which reference point to use to determine area distance. Options are "centroid" and "representative_point". Defaults to 'centroid' Returns: A float representing the distance between these two game states """ return token_state_distance( map_name, np.array(list(token1), dtype=int), np.array(list(token2), dtype=int), distance_type, reference_point, )
[docs]def calculate_tile_area( map_name: str, tile_id: TileId, ) -> float: """Calculates area of a given tile in a given map. Args: map_name (string): Map for tile tile_id (TileId): Id for tile Returns: A float representing the area of the tile Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in If area_id is not in[map_name] """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) if tile_id not in NAV[map_name]: msg = "Tile ID not found." raise ValueError(msg) tile_info = NAV[map_name][tile_id] tile_width = tile_info["northWestX"] - tile_info["southEastX"] tile_height = tile_info["northWestY"] - tile_info["southEastY"] return tile_width * tile_height
[docs]def calculate_map_area( map_name: str, ) -> float: """Calculates total area of all nav tiles in a given map. Args: map_name (string): Map for area calculations Returns: A float representing the area of the map Raises: ValueError: If map_name is not in """ if map_name not in NAV: msg = "Map not found." raise ValueError(msg) return sum(calculate_tile_area(map_name, tile) for tile in NAV[map_name])